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Sobre Kaor

  • Data de Nascimento 08/12/1992


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Conquistas de Kaor


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Oxi, e em que momento que eu fui ignorante ein? Sem or, povo acorda estressado @_@ Maracujina?
  2. Só isso a dizer :3 Prestar atenção faz falta ahsueoahse
  3. Primeiro com Pedras Preciosas por causa do sprite parecido com o do Mega-Elunium ... Acho que estamos perto das Pedras das Valquírias, não?
  4. Evento: Festival do Polvo ~ Já faz quase 1 ano que veio :c
  5. Não tenho certeza se é aqui que deveria postar isso, mas okay ahsuoeh Casamento com personagens do mesmo sexo ~ Já está no kRO e no GunghRO, aparentemente, será que a LUG consegue trazer pra cá?
  6. ​Se esse for o combo com pedra de critico, ah delicinha que vai ficar ranger com 120 LUK""
  7. Mals se você teve trabalho em procurar os itens pra ver o que ele dá ... Mas sabe, eu postei a ID dele, era só abrir um database e procurar a ID, então o que tu queria? A descrição em PT/BR? u--u De acordo com o @Dundé: "Se for item novo, não precisa traduzir o item, basta colocar o id dele OU o link com um database." A ID do item tá ali né? A tá pô, pensei.
  8. Ah sim, mals :v Eu estava olhando pela lista de itens do gunghro, então lá não tem informação se é ep/cash De qualquer forma, tá ai os itens que eu encontrei e achei interessante, se algum der pra trazer e você puder colocar na lista da primeira página, obg :3 Dundé, como eu disse, nomes toscamente traduzidos devido ao google tradutor ahsuoeashuoe Eu peguei o como ficou no google e tentei ajustar pra fazer mais sentido q
  9. 15157 Manto do Lobo Acordado 15237 Armadura dos Deuses 15189 Armadura de Einheriar 19282 Robe do Falecido 28928 Escudo Davi 28560 Amuleto Taejon 19262 Tesouro do Dragão Antigo 28518 Tagle Ring 15173 Tagle Armor 20818 Tagle Manteal 22119 Tagle Shoes 2998 Poliedro Retangular Brilhante 5931 Chapéu de Poltergeist Todos retirados do site do Nomes toscamentes traduzidos :v
  10. Esse item é de episódio (banquete dos heróis) :3
  11. Achei alguns itens interessantes navegando no database do iRO ... Keraunos [1] - MAXHP +5% ASPD +5% ATK +5% Increases the damage of [Lightning Ride] by 5%. Reduces the variable casting time of [Lightning Ride] by 5% for every 15 base levels. Reduces the variable casting time of [Hell Gate] by 3% for every 20 base levels. Reduces the cooldown of [Power Absorb] by 3 seconds. Medical Scrubs [1] - Reduces the cast delay of skills by 10%. Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by 2%. Increases the recovery rate of incoming recovery skills by 1% If upgrade level is +7 or higher, Def + 50 Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by an additional 4%. Increases the recovery rate of incoming recovery skills by an additional 2%. If upgrade level is +8 or higher, Additional Def + 100 Increases physical damage on [Demi-Human] race targets by 7%. Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by an additional 6%. Increases the recovery rate of incoming recovery skills by an additional 3%. If upgrade level is +9 or higher, Additional Def + 150 Increases the recovery rate of incoming recovery skills by an additional 3%. Increases resistance to Stone Curse by 50%. Set combo with [Argiope Card], Immune to Frozen. Luminous Blue Stone [1] - AGI +2 ASPD +5% CRIT +5 Increases critical attack damage by 2%. Enables [sight] Lv 1 If the users base Luk is 100 or higher, Additional Crit + 10 Increases critical damage on targets by an additional 10%. Anemos Shield [1] - DEF +150 MDEF +15 Increases physical and magical damage on Wind property targets by 5%. Reduces damage received from [Wind] element by 10%. If upgraded +6 or higher: Increases physical and magical damage on Wind property targets by an additional 10%. Reduces damage received from Wind property attacks by an additional 15%. [*]If upgraded +8 or higher: If the users base Str is 90 or higher, Atk + 50 If the users base Agi is 90 or higher, Aspd + 5% If the users base Vit is 90 or higher, Increases the recovery rate of recovery items by 10%. If the users base Int is 90 or higher, MAtk + 30 If the users base Dex is 90 or higher, Reduces the variable casting time of skills by 5%. If the users base Luk is 90 or higher, Increases critical attack damage by 5%. Happy Flapping Angel Wings [1] - Increases physical and magical damage on Clock Tower and Nightmare Clock Tower monsters by 5%. Reduces damage taken from Clock Tower and Nightmare Clock Tower monsters by 5%. Adds a chance of gaining Witch Starsand when a Clock Tower or Nightmare Clock Tower monster is killed. If upgrade level is +5 or higher, Increases physical and magical damage on Clock Tower and Nightmare Clock Tower monsters by an additional 10%. If upgrade level is +5 or higher, Reduces damage taken from Clock Tower and Nightmare Clock Tower monsters by an additional 10%. If upgrade level is +7 or higher, Increases physical and magical damage on Clock Tower and Nightmare Clock Tower monsters by an additional 15%. If upgrade level is +7 or higher, Reduces damage taken from Clock Tower and Nightmare Clock Tower monsters by an additional 15%. If upgrade level is +8 or higher, Immune to Stone Curse. If upgrade level is +9 or higher, Increases physical and magical damage on Clock Tower and Nightmare Clock Tower monsters by an additional 20%. If upgrade level is +9 or higher, Reduces damage taken from Clock Tower and Nightmare Clock Tower monsters by an additional 20%.
  12. Chorando porque moça? '-' Fica tranquila que a vida só melhora agora shuoeh
  13. Só poorque eu dropei uma Bíblia v2 ontem :c
  14. Linda atualização mas ... Eu ainda espero o dia que vão criar um desses acessórios incríveis para Arcanos :v
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