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It0 Ittosai

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Tudo que It0 Ittosai postou

  1. Tivemos atualização hoje: Kagerou & Oboro skill balance is implemented Illusion: Afterimage - Adjusted image's HP, duration and skill re-use delay.Illusion: Attraction - Success rate adjusted.Shadow Step - Changed to affect targets under special conditions. Duration changed.Illusion: Killing Curse - Success rate adjusted.Illusion: Shock - Adjusted success rate, stat reduction, and duration.Makibishi - Cast range changed to ground near caster's vicinity.Overthrow - Changed to AoE attack, and skill HIT rate. Now deals splash damage.Exploding Kunai - Adjusted cast time and damage formula. and changed skill targeting to 1 cell ground target. No longer affected by weapon's element (Forced Neutral). Now correctly affected by Weapon ATK and Cards.Izayoi - Adjusted skill duration and MATK increase.Fire Seal - Scorching Fire: Flaming Petal and Blaze Shield bonus damage option has been changed. Exploding Dragon bonus damage added.Water Seal - Snow Storm: Freezing Spear and Snow Flake Draft bonus damage option has been changed.Wind Seal - Turbulent Air: Added Wind Blade bonus damage option. Changed Lighting Jolt and First Wind bonus damage option.Release Seal: Increased damage formulaShadow Warrior: This buff is no longer removed after taking certain amount of damage.Distorted Crescent Moon: Target's Current HP and SP value effects the ATK/MATK change instead of target's base level.Fading Moonlight Illusion: Target's Current HP and SP value effects HP/SP increase or decrease. Now reflects both magic and physical damage, and the skill level determines the amount of damage reflected.
  2. Não dá para matar todos os MVP's porém se você estudar a fraqueza deles antes já é um começo. E sim, nós só conseguimos algum sucesso com mvps mais lentos mas há exceções! Que poderes usar? Bom esse assunto deve render mais em um tópico para tal finalidade, que tal abrir um e assim explorarmos mais possibilidades?
  3. Estou online com mais frequencia no Odin, quem quiser um desafio pode me procurar. Nome: Iga, Ito IttosaiLv: 99Estilo: Taijutsu e TogatanaHorario: Madrugada, entre 00:00 e 02:00h.
  4. Itens do Kvm por rops;Invasão dos goblins natalinos;Chapéu ou gorro de Natal com atributos até dia X;Quest de natal (duvido)Npc que da buffs nas cidades.
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