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"Right Where It Belongs"




See the animal in his cage that you built


Are you sure what side you're on?


Better not look him too closely in the eye


Are you sure what side of the glass you are on?


See the safety of the life you have built


Everything where it belongs


Feel the hollowness inside of your heart


And it's all


Right where it belongs






What if everything around you


Isn't quite as it seems?


What if all the world you think you know


Is an elaborate dream?


And if you look at your reflection


Is it all you want it to be?


What if you could look right through the cracks?


Would you find yourself


Find yourself afraid to see?




What if all the world's inside of your head


Just creations of your own?


Your devils and your gods


All the living and the dead


And you're really all alone?


You can live in this illusion


You can choose to believe


You keep looking but you can't find the woods


While you're hiding in the trees






What if everything around you


Isn't quite as it seems?


What if all the world you used to know


Is an elaborate dream?


And if you look at your reflection


Is it all you want it to be?


What if you could look right through the cracks


Would you find yourself


Find yourself afraid to see?

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:( Vendo minha irmã ouvir Xibom Bombom.


Bom xibom, xibom, bombom

Bom xibom, xibom, bombom

Bom xibom, xibom, bombom

Bom xibom, xibom, bombom


Analisando essa cadeia hereditária

Quero me livrar dessa situação precária


Onde o rico fica cada vez mais rico e o pobre

cada vez fica mais pobre

E o motivo todo mundo já conhece

É que o de cima sobe e o de baixo desce


Bom xibom, xibom, bombom

Bom xibom, xibom, bombom

Bom xibom, xibom, bombom

Bom xibom, xibom, bombom


Mas eu só quero

Educar meus filhos


Tornar um cidadão

Com muita dignidade


Eu quero viver bem

Quero me alimentar


Com a grana que eu ganho

Não dá nem pra melar


E o motivo todo mundo já conhece

É que o de cima sobe e o de baixo desce


Bom xibom, xibom, bombom

Bom xibom, xibom, bombom

Bom xibom, xibom, bombom

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"Walk Away"





So you say you fell in love


And you're gonna get married


Raise yourself a family


How simple life can be


Somewhere it all went wrong


And your plan just fell apart


And you aint got the heart


to finish what you started




Yeah you fell in love


And you went and got married


Had yourself a family


How simple life can be


Somewhere it all went wrong


And your plan just fell apart


And you aint got the heart


to finish what you started




The ones that you loved


The ones that you left behind


The ones you said you'd try to find


Are they tryin' to find you?






Somewhere it all went wrong


And your plan just fell apart


And you ain't got the heart


to finish what you started


You walked out that door


To find out where you belong


To fulfill your own selfish dreams


I think you might have forgotten




The ones that you loved


The ones that you left behind


The ones you said you'd try to find


Are they tryin' to find you?



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Dead Fish - Tão Iguais


Eu grito pelo meu país

que finge

Os absurdos tão normais

onde estou


Eu desejei o teu lugar

Quis agir da mesma forma

Aqui todos são iguais!


Impunidade usada pra vencer

Comprada com seus votos

e sua omissão

Legislar ou pedir pão

Não seja tão honesto ou

irá morrer!

Se resignar e aceitar, se

eles são apenas dez?

Não terá o seu quinhão

tão sujo quanto o deles



Senso comum!

( lembro como se fosse ontem o meu pai me falando

pra eu estudar pra ser alguem na vida e disse coisas

sobre o caso Araceli e na Angelica, dizia que não ia

dar em nada, me lembro de seus discursos sobre

honestidade e como deveriamos ser e agir...)

Eu desejei este lugar

Quis agir da mesma forma

Aceitar os mais iguais!


Eu desejei o meu lugar

Vou agir da minha forma

Quero coisas mais reais!

(Tempos depois meu velho se foi e descobri que saber

não bastava, precisava ser alguém ter um nome, um

brilho, um padrinho, não abria mão do que aprendia

para ser o que eles desejavam o que eu fosse, por isso

prometi fazer muito uma coisa por todos que são

honestos, por mim, lamado, minha avó, meus amores,

amigos e irmãos e por todos que sofrem neste estado do

Espírito Santo.)

Tente conceber! Tente


Que é tão igual quanto os

que odeia!

Tudo isso vai mudar?

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dead fish rox a lot











Grey skies clouding up the things we used to see with wide eyes


Maybe everything was meant to be this way


Will it ever change


But are we stuck here on our own








It's all gone grey


It's all gone grey




I found telling you the truth the hardest thing to get out


I know it wasn't you that made me feel this way


Will it ever change


Or are we stuck here on our own.




And give it one more try


I don't know if I would stay


I feel so much better now


And baby begging me


Will leave you so empty inside


So you shouldn't even try




I know every last regret inside of me is my own


The way I hold them close has made me be this way


I will never change


I know I'm stuck here on my own, on my own




Given one more try


I don't know if I would stay


I feel so much better now


Where did we go wrong


I know you still hold on to me


But it's time that you let go


I gave you things I had


That I could not get back again


But I'm better off alone






It's all gone grey


It's all gone grey


It's all gone grey


It's all gone grey

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The I.V. and your hospital bed


This was no accident


This was a therapeutic chain of events




This is the scent of dead skin on a linoleum floor


This is the scent of quarantine wings in a hospital

It's not so pleasant


And it's not so conventional


It sure as hell ain't normal


But we deal, we deal  (acho mto rox esse refrão)




The anesthetic never set in and I'm wondering where


The apathy and urgency is that I thought I phoned in


It's not so pleasant.


And it's not so conventional


It sure as hell ain't normal


But we deal, we deal




Just sit back, just sit back


Just sit back and relax


Just sit back, just sit back


Just sit back and relapse again




Can't take the kid from the fight


take the fight from the kid


Sit back, relax


Sit back, relapse again


Can't take the kid from the fight


take the fight from the kid


Just sit back, just sit back




You're a regular decorated emergency


You're a regular decorated emergency




This is the scent of dead skin on a linoleum floor


This is the scent of quarantine wings in a hospital


It's not so pleasant.


And it's not so conventional


It sure as hell ain't normal


But we deal, we deal




The anesthetic never set in and I'm wondering where


The apathy and urgency is that I thought I phoned in


It's not so pleasant.


And it's not so conventional


It sure as hell ain't normal


But we deal, we deal




Can't take the kid from the fight


take the fight from the kid


Sit back, relax


Sit back, relapse again


Can't take the kid from the fight


take the fight from the kid


Just sit back, just sit back


Sit back, sit back, relax, relapse


Sit back, sit back, bababada


You can take the kid out of the fight




You're a regular decorated emergency


The bruises and contusions will remind me what you did when you wake


You've earned a place atop the ICU's hall of fame


The camera caught you causing a commotion on the gurney again




You're a regular decorated emergency


The bruises and contusions will remind me what you did when you wake


You've earned a place atop the ICU's hall of fame


The camera caught you causing a commotion on the gurney again




Can't take the kid from the fight


take the fight from the kid


Sit back, relax


Sit back, relapse again


Can't take the kid from the fight


take the fight from the kid


Just sit back, just sit back


Sit back, sit back, relax, relapse


Sit back, sit back, bababada


You can take the kid out of the fight




The I.V. and your hospital bed


This was no accident


This was a therapeutic chain of events

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Enter Sandman, do Metallica! Eu prefiro só dizer isso (e a letra da música)


Say your prayers little one

don't forget, my son

to include everyone


tuck you in, warm within

keep you free from sin

till the sandman he comes


sleep with one eye open

gripping your pillow tight


Exit light

enter night

take my hand

off to never never land


something's wrong, shut the light

heavy thoughts tonight

and they aren't of snow white


dreams of war, dreams of liars

dreams of dragon's fire


and of things that will bite


sleep with one eye open

gripping your pillow tight


exit light

enter night

take my hand

off to never never land


now I lay me down to sleep

pray the lord my soul to keep

if I die before I wake

pray the lord my soul to take


hush little baby, don't say a word

and never mind that noise you heard

it's just the beast under your bed,

in your closet, in your head


exit light

enter night

grain of sand


exit light

enter night

take my hand

we're off to never never land


*ÊÊÊÊÊÊczzzit laiguiti, ÊEEEEEEEEEnteee nááaeght*

EDI": @Link do mal~ Ei, eu comecei com metal já! Vamo torcer pra ver se o povão ae ouve mais coisa de gente! Ah, e agora eu to ouvindo Fear of the Dark, do Iron Maiden (prefiro não postar a letra)

*Fiar ofi dê dáárqui! Ai reve dá fobiá dats som'ones alwais dére!*

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Progenies of the Great Apocalypse - Dimmu Borgir

black metal owns ;D

se possivel, ouçam essa obra prima! MAMAMIA !!

pela musica Joey, só nao curto esse cara do seu nck, slipknot nao me agrada....

nao pudia deixar de citar oque estou ouvindo agora...

Amon Amarth - The Fate of Norns

Bellísima obra do Viking metal, nao deixem de conferir.

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War Pigs, do Sabbath.


Generals gathered in their masses

just like witches at black masses

evil minds that plot destruction

sorcerers of death's construction

in the fields the bodies burning

as the war machine keeps turning

death and hatred to mankind

poisoning their brainwashed minds, oh lord yeah!


Politicians hide themselves away

they only started the war

Why should they go out to fight?

They leave that role to the poor


Time will tell on their power minds

Making war just for fun

Treating people just like pawns in chess

Wait 'till their judgement day comes, yeah!



Now in darkness, world stops turning

ashes where their bodies burning

No more war pigs of the power

Hand of god has sturck the hour

Day of judgement, god is calling

on their knees, the war pigs crawling

Begging mercy for their sins

Satan, laughing, spreads his wings

Oh Lord Yeah!



Gosto dessa música porque ela fala de políticos du mau!1!!!

*Poolatichians raide demselv's auêêêi, dêêi onli istarde'dea uóó! Uai chud'dei gou aáu tuuu faaait, dêêi live dat roule tu de poor!* Adoro escrever como falo heheh!

EDIT: Acabou War Pigs, começou "Ilektrik fiunerau". Melhor não postar a letra.

*Riiifléééks in dâ skaaai, uoooorn iu iul gouna daaai, istormi coomin'iu berer raain', from thi atomic taaaid'!*

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Mamonas Assassinas-

Eu adoro essa banda, eu ouvia desde pequeno (sim, sou grande agora ¬¬) o CD do meu pai. Fiquei triste quando eles morrerão :(



Sábado de sol

Aluguei um caminhão

Pra chamar a galera

Pra comer feijão

Chegando lá, mas que vergonha

Só tinha maconha

Os maconheiros tavam doidão

Querendo meu feijão.





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Progenies of the Great Apocalypse - Dimmu Borgir

black metal owns ;D

se possivel, ouçam essa obra prima! MAMAMIA !!

pela musica Joey, só nao curto esse cara do seu nck, slipknot nao me agrada....

nao pudia deixar de citar oque estou ouvindo agora...

Amon Amarth - The Fate of Norns

Bellísima obra do Viking metal, nao deixem de conferir.

ehh, nem to curtindo + slip ;~

+ ja q coloquei esse nome no char, agora tenho q continuar ;x

black metal eh mto rox ;D

+ minha paixao msm eh prog metal,

dream theater ^^

btw, ouvindo Afterlife[score] - Dream Theater

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