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Olá GanntZ!

Bom, eu ainda não tive uma Eira para lhe dizer com total certeza, mas vou dar minha opinião.Creio eu que a habilidade Overed Boost da Eira tenha um delay muito alto para ser utilizada novamente, impossibilitando seu uso com outras habilidades em conjunto.Quanto isso afetar o usuário, é negativo.

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Ana obrigado pela ajuda, sobre o Over Boost achei isso num fórum, alguém consegue traduzir isso,claro, sem o google tradudor^^.Overed Boost casts really fast. Like within 0.65~ seconds or so


There is no delay at all to this skill. (Cooldown or Aftercast)

In fact, you can cast another skill WHILE it is still casting. (Even another Overboost)


Sets both Homunc and Genetic flee/aspd to 500/189. (Or less if you don't use lv5)


Lowers Homunc's Def. Description Says by Half; But it lowered by Eira's Def from: [Level 126, 150 Vit/Agi] DEF 468 -> 355.

(Incase people are worried, it didn't touch my Genetic's Def)


When cast, it buffs both the Genetic and Homunculus on different timers. (But set the same)

What I mean by this; is that if you Vaporize your Homunc, and the timer on the genetic runs out. You can recall your Homunc and it will still remember it's timer. (Meaning it will still have Overboost but you will not)

If you cast it while the skill is already active, it will turn off the current buff, and Rebuff you with a fresh OveredBoost. The reason I word it like this is because...


When the Overed Boost on your Alchemist wears off, you lose 1/2 of your Max SP. (So if you have 3,000 SP. -1500 Current SP when the duration ends)

When the Overed Boost on your Homunculus wears off, it loses 50 Hunger Points. (So if it is at 80 Hunger, it'll drop down to 30)


Combine that with what I said above... if you use overboost three times real fast; the following will happen:

- You cast Overed Boost, you are buffed.

- You cast it a second time, you lose 1/2 your SP, Homunc loses 50 hunger, you are re-buffed

- You cast it a third time, you lose 1/2 your SP, Homunc loses 50 hunger, you are re-buffed [Meaning, you are now most likely at 0 SP, and 1 Hunger)

- (Eventually) Duration ends, you loses 1/2 your SP, Homunc loses 50 Hunger, Buff Ends.


As stated, it is very easy to farm Intimacy with this skill.


This skill has a buff Icon; which does tell you the remaining duration for the Genetic.

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