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About Me



Isso eu posso explicar

Nos primórdios do Ragnarok existiam dois servidores, o Chaos e Loki. E posteriormente, devido a demanda, criaram o Iris.

Esses três servidores eram com mensalidade. Sem rates maiores que 1x, sem nerf de drops nem nada.

Só que os jogadores começaram a sair por motivos diversos. Chegou um momento que o Iris tinha mais gente que o Loki.

Era preciso rever estratégias ou fechar, simplesmente.

Então fizeram a fusão dos servidores e criaram o Odin. Ainda se mantinham as rates de xp e drop, sem alterações e claro, a mensalidade.

Mass... uma mudança já tava se desenhando no horizonte e a LUG sabia disso.

A Velha Caixa Azul Real, lançada na época do Natal de 2006.




E devo dizer, como essa coisa vendeu. Vendeu muito porque as pessoas também compraram a mais pra revender depois dentro do jogo (Revenda de ROPs nascia aqui!) e com isso os jogadores deram sinal verde pra LUG colocar mais rops no jogo.

Colocar mais rops e abrir um servidor completamente orientado a compra de itens assim e mais: com uma taxa de xp melhor que o Odin?

Você disse Servidor Thor...? :rolleyes:


As pessoas querem facilidades, não dificuldades.

Embora a população do Odin batesse o pé e exigisse que ROPs apelativos fossem limitados ao Thor, a verdade era que quando vinham ovos e tickets de loteria, todo mundo comprava porque não podiam ficar pra trás dos outros jogadores, ainda mais considerando o fato que a massa que joga vai WoE desde sempre.

Com o Thor ganhando jogadores, restou ao Odin o papel de ser o "servidor clássico", com configurações próximas do original e com mensalidade, o que fortalecia a ideia dos jogadores novos começarem no Thor, por uma questão de gastos.

Pensou-se que o problema do Odin eram as configurações dele. Ele deveria ter mais facilidades, já que era vendida a ideia de "Servidor Premium".

E assim foi feito, com a adição do sistema VIP ao Thor e o Odin se tornando um servidor com mais vantagens que o Thor.


Contudo, foi mantida a mensalidade. Mesmo com a posterior redução da mensalidade do Odin isso não atraiu novos jogadores.

O problema todo tava no acesso? Parece que sim.


Daí a LUG abriu o Asgard. Com acesso barato (R$10,00 em ROPs), rates 1x e alguns drops nerfados.



Um bando de gente abandonou o Thor e Odin (agora com sérios problemas de população) pra ir tentar a sorte no servidor novo.

Mas isso foi em 2012. E pouco mais de 1 ano depois...


Odin sem mensalidade, pagamento único de 29,90 pra cada conta.


O que foi feito nesse meio-tempo? A mudança do modelo de assinatura mensal pra servidores grátis ou de custo baixo.

Já era isso de pagar mensalidade.

Pensa, o bRO eram 3 servidores, teve a fusão e agora, anos depois tem 3 servidores de novo.

Negócios são assim, ou tu se adapta as mudanças ou some.


@ Autor do Tópico: Vc propõe mudar o Asgard, ok. Mas mudar o quê? Colocar um vip estilo Thor / Odin? Aumentar as rates de tudo? Liberar Byalan 5? Diminuir o custo de ROPs pra ter acesso ao servidor?


Escolhendo seu servidor: 
O servidor Thor é uma droga, porém com muitos jogadores / O servidor Valhalla tbm é uma droga, porém com poucos jogadores

Desconto/ Superfaturar / Comércio


Antes de qualquer coisa, faça um mercador e peque essas skills

Tabela de Punição de EXP:exp.thumb.png.ee7797b57770dae5f5982b199edf6f5d.png
Procurar mobs com 10 -15 níveis de diferença

Sistema V.I.P

Permanente no Servidor Valhalla:

• 2x EXP de Base e Classe
• 1.5x Drop
• Kafras de Teleportes Especiais
• NPCs de Buffs Especiais
• Acesso ao 6º andar de Byalan

Pagamento Semanal / Mensal no Servidor Thor:

• 1.75x EXP de Base e Classe
• Kafras de Teleportes Especiais
• NPCs de Buffs Especiais
• Redução na penalidade de EXP ao ser derrotado de 5% para 2%
• Acesso ao 6º andar de Byalan

Teleporte V.I.P

Valquírias (Prontera)
Britonia (Geffen)
Bosque Celestial (Payon)
Luina (Aldebaran)
Nithafjoll (Juno)
Valfreyja (Rachel)

Calabouços 1:
Calabouço de Magma
Mina Abandonada
Mina de Einbech
Caverna de Payon
Depósito de Brinquedos
Prisão de Glast Heim
Suei Gon Lon (Louyang)
Tabuleiro de Go (Kunlum)
Túnel Submarino
Ilha da Tartaruga
Subterrâneo do Relógio
Torre do Relógio
Cemitério de Glast Heim
Dentro da Pirâmide
Esgoto de Prontera
Labirinto de Tatames
Interior do Santuário Ancestral (Ayothaya)
Floresta Encantada (achei vacilo)

Calabouços 2:
Caverna de Gelo
Vulcão de Thor
Lago do Abismo
Torre de Thanatos
Santuário de Freya
Ruína de Juperos
Gefenia (achei vacilo tbm)
Academia de Kiel
Labirínto da Floresta
Navio Fantasma
Campos de Veins
Entrada do Vulcão
Campos de Hugel
Templo de Odin
Formigueiro Infernal
Túnel Kamidal
Torre de Bifröst
Torre de Geffen

[2 h] Memorial dos Orcs
[7 Dias] Torre sem Fim
[3 Dias] Ninho de Nidhogg
[12 h] Altar do Selo
[7 Dias] Caverna do Polvo
[3 Dias] Laboratório de Wolfchev
[2 h] Labirinto da Neblina
[23 h] Caverna de Buwaya
[20 h] Charleston em Crise
[23 h] Maldição de Glast Heim
[23 h]Fábrica do Terror
[7 Dias] Lago de Bakonawa

Espaço Dimensional:
[20 h] Memórias de Sarah
[20 h] Palácio das Mágoas
[23 h] Torneio de Magia
[23 h] Torre do Demônio
[23 h] Covil de Vermes
Círculo de Fogo
Ruptura Dimensional

Buffs V.I.P


1) Pergaminho de Ganância (Usa Ganância lv1) [2.000z]
2) Pilula de HP (HP Máx +5% / Regeneração Natural de HP +10%) [10.000z]
3) Pílula de SP (SP Máx +5% / Regeneração Natural de SP +10%) [10.000z]
4) Garrafa de Água (Recupera 5% de SP / Aumentar Agilidade lvl 5) [5.000z]


Opção 1: FOR +8, AGI +6, DES +4, ATQ +32, ESQV +5
Opção 2: INT +8, DES +6, VIT +4, ATQM +40
Opção 3: DES +8, AGI +6, SOR +4, ATQ E ATQM +24
Opção 4: Todos os Atributos +6, ATQ E ATQM +24
Buffs diferentes combinam, mas o maior número sempre prevalece

Kafra dos Biscoitos


• Suas instâncias serão resetadas (apenas uma vez) – Se estiver esperando o fim do tempo de espera para poder repetir novamente uma instância, basta falar com esta NPC e o timer já será resetado, permitindo que você entre imediatamente na instância. Esse bônus só pode ser utilizado uma única vez.

• Recuperação de HP e SP – Sempre que falar com a NPC, você poderá ser totalmente curado, voltando a ficar com seu HP e SP 100% cheio.

• +5% de EXP de Classe – Sempre que conversar com a NPC, você poderá receber este bônus de experiência de classe ao derrotar monstros durante a próxima meia hora.
Fonte: Site da WP

OBS 1: A Kafra dos Biscoitos sempre aparece após a manutenção ou quando o servidor cair (o que acontece a cada 32 minutos)

OBS 2: A Instância [Ninho de Nidhogg] é completamente resetada, ou seja, você pode fazer 2 vezes no mesmo dia 

OBS 3: Ela não reseta todas as intâncias

OBS 4: O bônus de xp de classe comba com outros multiplicadores de EXP

Benção do Reno


Ao Selecionar a opção "Guardando Cristais de Energia" seu personagem receberá um aumento de ATQ e ATQM por 3 horas

O aumento varia de acordo com o nível do personagem / Cristal escolhido

Imagem retirada do Browiki

Rei Jun Kardui
Servidor Valhalla 07:10 da manhã

A cada 1 h e 30 o Rei aparece por 10 minutos e fornece os seguintes buffs

Benção nível 5 [Duração 350 s] / Aumento em todos os Atributos/ ATQ E ATQM + ? [ Duração 1h e 30 min]

Comparação Antes / Depois de receber os bônus


OBS 1: Os buffs não somam com o V.I.P 

OBS 2: O Rei também aparece no servidor Thor e é uma boa alternativa pra quem não possui V.I.P

OBS 3: Não copiem os atributos desse personagem, ele é mais velho que a idade mental de metade dos jogadores

OBS 3: O aumento de Atributos / ATQ / ATQM parece ser aleatório, a única certeza é que ele aumenta em pelo menos +6

OBS 4: O item [Asa de Fada] teleporta diretamente para a cidade de Eclage / Pode ser obtido através da quest [Rumores do Rei]

OBS 5: Não faço ideia pq ele tem a quest de Eclage completa

Sistema de Compras:
Como usar Medicinas:
Configurações Exclusivas do servidor Thor:ão:Servidores

Escolhendo sua Classe
Boas para Iniciantes: Sentinela, Sicário, Insurgente
Se viram com pouco: Guardião Real, Arcebispo (Suporte), Oboro/Kagerou
Custo Médio: Trovador/Musa, Renegado(dependendo da build)
Alto Custo: Bioquímico, Cavaleiro Rúnico, Mecânico, Feiticeiro, Arcebispo(Exorcista), Renegado (Arco)
Não faça a não ser que vc seja um comprador de zeny doente da cabeça: Arcano / Shura
Classes Expandidas: Boa opção de farm até o 99
Classe pra quem sabe jogar: Super Aprendiz

Instâncias (Farm)

[7 Dias] Torre sem Fim []

[2 Horas] Labirinto da Neblina []

[23 Horas] Palácio das Mágoas [ácio_das_Mágoas]

[20 Horas] Pesadelo Musical[]

[23 Horas] Maldição de Glast Heim [ção_de_Glast_Heim]

[3 Dias] Glast Heim Sombria []

[20 Horas] Charleston em Crise []

[23 Horas] Covil de Vermes []

[23 Horas] Laboratório Central [ório_Central]

[23 Horas] Torneio de Magia []

[23 Horas] Fábrica do Terror [ábrica_do_Terror]

[23 Horas] Ilha Bios []

[3 Dias] Sussurro Sombrio []

Usando RODEX ao seu favor

Use para estocar consumíveis/amuletos/conversores/etc e pegar durante as instâncias

Guia de Up
Os mapas em verde são onde vc pode encontrar grupos, menos no Valhalla que n tem grupo em lugar nenhum

[1-12] Campo de Treinamento

[12-14] Esporos / Mandrágora

[14- 19] Pé Grande / Mandrágora

[19/26] Salgueiro Ancião / Esporo Venenoso

26 - Primeira Arma do Grupo Éden [Éden]

[26/30] Salgueiro Ancião / Esporo Venenoso / Caverna de Payon

[30/40] Senhora Orc / Formigueiro Infernal

40 - Segunda Arma do Grupo Éden [Éden]

[40/50] Orc Zumbi / Cavalo Marinho / Fen

Job 50 - Quest de Mudança de Classe []

[50/55] Orc Zumbi / Cavalo Marinho / Fen

[55 - 71] Hode / Sorrateiro / Strouf

60 - Equipamentos Avançados (Instrutor Uru) [Éden]

[71 - 86] Petite / Harpia / Druida Maligno

[86 - 91] Stapo / Roween / Sacerdote Maldito / Vento da Colina / [87+] Medusa

91+ Quest de Caça do Grupo Éden (Pode ser repetida a cada 3 horas) [Éden]
Modificadores de xp aumentam a recompensa (ex. Manual de Combate)


> Ilha das Tartarugas : 30x Congelador / 30x Aquecedor / 30x Soldado

> Glast Hein: 30x Sacerdote Maldito / 30x Rybio / 30x Injustiçado

> Rachel & Veis : 30x Siroma / 30x Stapo / 30x Roween

> Cidades em Expansão: 30x Ninfa Perversa / 30x Shinobi

> Outras Regiões: 30x Deviruchi / 30x Mineral / 30x Kaho / 30x Nereida / 30x Mascarado

[91- 95] Stapo / Roween / Injustiçado Pinguicula / [92+] Majoruros

[95- 99] Magmaring / Anolian / Pradaria Audhumbla (ra_fild05) / Mascarado / Titã de Gelo

Quest Olho de Hellion [

Servidor Valhalla / Diário de Aventuras

Quest A Fada e a Árvore [Árvore]




Portal do Abismo:

Job 70 - Renascimento []

99+ Instância Memorias de Sara [órias_de_Sarah]

100+ Diárias do Banquete Real [ílias_Reais]
Sugerido por Billy O Kid

100+ Diárias de Porto Malaya []

100+ Quest Síntese de Cristais [íntese_de_Cristais]

100+ Quest Verit Pesadelo []
Múmia Pesadelo opcional (lvl 142)

[100 - 105] Magmaring / Calabouço de Magma 2 / Raydric

[105 - 110] Calabouço de Magma 2 / Santuário de Freya / Ruínas de Juperos 1 / Túnel Submarino 6 Zumbi Mestre / Creamy Ameaçador / Cornus / Minorous Pesadelo

Quest de Acesso ao Templo de Freya [ário_de_Rachel]

Quest de Acesso a Ilha Esquecida [ério_Maldito]

[110 - 120] Calabouço de Magma 2/  Ruínas de Juperos 1 / Zumbi Mestre / Massacre

120+ Instância Pesadelo Musical []

120+ Instância Palácio das Mágoas [ácio_das_Mágoas]

120+ Diárias de Eclage []
Sugerido por Maxii

Quest de Acesso ao Túnel Kamidal []
Para acessar o primeiro andar basta fazer apenas até o passo 8

[120 - 130] Túnel Kamidal 1 / Necromante / Lago do Abismo

130+ Instância Charleston em Crise [ácio_das_Mágoas]

130+ Instância Maldição de Glast Heim [ção_de_Glast_Heim]

[3 Dias] 130+ Instância Ninho de Nidhogg []
Pode ser acessado a partir do level 99

[130 - 140] Túnel Kamidal 2 Lago do Abismo / Louva- a-Deus Angra / Floresta da Neblina

140+ Aventuras em Verus []

140+ Posto Policial []
Sugerido por Snakeman ||
140+ Sobrevivendo no Abrigo[]
Sugerido por Snakeman ||
140+ Instância Laboratório Central [ório_Central]

140+ Instância Fábrica do Terror [ábrica_do_Terror]

140+ Instância Covil de Vermes []

140+ Aventuras na Prisão [ão]
Sugerido por Danilo Illia

[140 -150] Campo Florescente / Torre de Bifröst / Bio 4

[3 Dias] 145+ Sussurro Sombrio []

[150 - 175] Instituto W.IS.H / Despertador

[3 Dias] 160+ Glast Heim Sombria []

160+ Caverna de Mors []

160+ Templo do Demônio Rei []

[Diárias de Verus] 
*Importante : Não entregue as quests após completá-las

Coletando Núcleos de Energia


Os núcleos podem ser obtidos de Robô Explorador, Robô Reparador e Robô de Reconhecimento

Limpando o Caminho / Elimine 10 Robô de Reconhecimento
Eliminando Robôs / Elimine 15 Robô Explorador / 15 Robô Reparador


Registro de Memórias do Instituto / Colete 5 Núcleos



Registro de Memórias do Abrigo / Colete 5 Núcleos


Relatório Diário de Energia


Brigan Mensal
Ela pedira para encontrar 3 Jornalistas

Jornalista 1: Fotografa / Elimine 30 robô Reparador Turbo


Jornalista 2: Trapp / Elimine 30 Fumaça Verde


Jornalista 3 : Grizzly Grills / Colete 30 Isopteros


Instância: Charleston em Crise


Limpeza de Disco / Elimine 50 Roborings


Charleston 3: Quando o HP estiver no fim use seu Diário/Grimório/Manual


[Entregando as Quests]
Modificadores de xp aumentam a recompensa (ex. Manual de Combate)

Limpeza de Disco


Após sair da Instância não se esqueça de falar pela última vez com a Charleston


Núcleos de Energia


Registro de Memórias / Registro de Memórias do Abrigo


Núcleo de Energia 


Repórter novato Trapp


Grizzly Grylls


Sunny Kim


Relatório Diário


Comparação de EXP antes e depois da quest [Servidor Valhalla / Diário de Aventuras]
*Pode ser repetida a cada 23hrs


[Sussurro Sombrio]
*Importante: O objetivo não é matar o MVP

Se for sua primeira vez na instância, você poderá repeti-la livremente por 1 hora

Seu objetivo é apenas matar a maior quantidade de monstros dentro da instância, ignore as salas

Servidor Valhalla / Diário de Aventuras

Basta ir subindo as escadarias e eliminando os mobs, só há um caminho por onde você pode seguir
OBS: O Dilacerado imortal quase não da xp

Guarde as Chaves da Fortaleza para outro momento / Outro personagem

No topo da fortaleza você encontrará Jack Wolf, o chefe da instância

Arraste o Jack para um canto e bata nele até começar a invocar Zumbis
OBS: Cuidado pra não dar dano demais ou o mapa começará a soltar terremoto

Após Jack invocar os Zumbis largue-o no canto, nós não precisamos mais dele

Cuidado que as vezes ele pode invocar os Zumbis errados

Seu objetivo agora é apenas eliminar os Zumbis e upar

Servidor Valhalla / Diário de Aventuras

Fique atento ao horário da instância / O tempo limite é de 1 hora
O Visual [Milagre de Asgard] Concede um aumento de 1% na EXP recebida

Matar o Jack é opcional / Ele da pouca xp mas tem drops interessantes

IMPORTANTE: Após sair da instância fale pela última vez com o Cientista para encerrar a quest 

Comparação de EXP antes e depois da quest [Servidor Valhalla / Diário de Aventuras]
*Pode ser repetida a cada 3 dias


[Tabela de EXP por quest]
Servidor Valhalla / Diário de aventuras

Enviado por 23IV

OBS: Vc pode pular esse guia todo e ir pra Cheffênia, obrigado por esse evento incrível


Abaixo está uma lista dos fatos cronológicos mais importantes para o seu conhecimento da história de Ragnarök Online.





  • D.G. significa Depois da Guerra e refere-se à Guerra dos Mil Anos.
  • Ragnarök Online é baseado na mitologia nórdica, que acredita que o universo é uma Árvore chamada Yggdrasil onde existem vários mundos, onde Midgard é o mundo dos humanos e Asgard é o mundo dos Deuses.
  • Algumas histórias do jogo podem ser modificadas ou concluídas com a adição de novos episódios e expansões, portanto, atente-se caso a história possua uma leve distorção.
  • Surt é o nome verdadeiro de Satã Morroc.
  • Parece haver uma certa discrepância entre algumas datas









???: Odin cria Midgard usando o corpo e o coração de Ymir.


???: Início da Guerra dos Mil Anos, com a morte do Deus Baldr e o ataque de Surt à Midgard.


??? D.G.: Odin bane Freya de Asgard, tornando a deusa do amor em uma figura divina em busca de vingança.


??? D.G.: A serpente gigante Jormungand amaldiçoa o guerreiro Tristan Gaebolg I.


??? D.G.: O mundo dos elfos, Alfheim, começa a morrer. Etran e Robert realizam um experimento para tentar salvar parte da Yggdrasil.


??? D.G.: O Reino de Rune-Midgard é fundado pelos 7 guerreiros: Gaebolg, Heine, Wigner, Walter, Lugenburg, Richard e Nerius.


??? D.G.: Surt ataca Midgard novamente, mas é selado por Thanatos. Em cima do selo foi construída a cidade Morroc.


300 D.G.: A cidade Verus e seus habitantes chegam ao planalto El Mes, na República de Schwartzwald.


400 D.G.: A tempestade de energia que assolava Verus por anos, finalmente se dissipa.


440 D.G.: Início da Revolta dos Príncipes, deflagrada por príncipes que discordavam da linha de sucessão do trono.


479 D.G.: Schmitz Von Walter nasce.


503 D.G.: Fundação do Instituto de Pesquisas do cientista Lighthal Zenit Zerter.


509 D.G.: Morte do Rei Ouzel Richard.


560 D.G.: O Instituto de Zerter cresceu e se tornou a Corporação Rekenber.


660 D.G.: A Corporação Rekenber inicia o processo de escavação das Ruínas de Juperos.


667 D.G.: Nasce o maior e mais respeitado Sábio de todos os tempos, Sir Varmunt.


681 D.G.: Varmunt entra na Universidade Nacional de Juno com a recomendação pessoal do Professor Hedge, como o mais jovem aluno da história, aos quatorze anos.


688 D.G.: Varmunt ganha seu doutorado, tornando-se o mais jovem professor da Universidade, com apenas 21 anos.


700 D.G.: Sir Varmunt se junta ao Laboratório Regenchrim, afiliada à Corporação Rekenber.


701 D.G.: Coroação do Rei Schmitz Von Walter, aos 32 anos de idade.


7xx D.G.: Rei Schmitz Von Walter cria a Ordem dos Guardiões Reais.


729 D.G.: Himmelmez procura pelo fragmento do coração de Ymir em Glast Heim, lançando uma maldição sobre a cidade. As 7 famílias reais fogem para Prontera e Schmitz é deposto, tornando Grenholm Von Gaebolg o novo rei.


781 D.G.: Inicia a Grande Rebelião, um grupo de mercenários se revolta com o desemprego gerado pela venda de Guardiões automatizados para os donos dos castelos dos feudos.


782 D.G.: Repressão da Grande Rebelião, nascimento de um grupo que se autointitula "justiceiros".


??? D.G.: A mãe de Sarah Irine é assassinada.


995 D.G.: Fenris Fenrir inicia sua busca pela reencarnação de Baldr.


996 D.G.: Crianças começam a ser sacrificadas para ressuscitar Surt.


997 D.G.: Fenris encontra Chaos e impede a ressurreição de Surt.


1003 D.G.: Coroação do Rei Tristan Gaebolg III como rei de Rune-Midgard.


10xx D.G.: Nasce a tão esperada reencarnação da Deusa Freya, mas junto com um irmão gêmeo.


10xx D.G.: Rei Tristan Gaebolg III é encontrado morto no continente de Arunafeltz. A Rainha fica em seu lugar enquanto aguarda a escolha de um novo rei.


10xx D.G.: Rayan Moore inicia o processo de ressurreição de Surt.


10xx D.G.: Nidhogg, guardiã das raízes de Yggdrasil, começa a enlouquecer com o eminente renascimento de Surt.


10xx D.G.: Surt é ressuscitado e Morroc é destruída.


10xx D.G.: Esplêndidos sentem uma ameaça nas raízes de Yggdrasil e invadem Jotunheim, o mundo dos Gigantes, criando uma base militar chamada Esplendor.


10xx D.G.: Manuks elegem Ahat como novo Ministro de Diel.


10xx D.G.: Etran, por meio de uma viagem dimensional, descobre que seu experimento de salvar Alfheim deu certo.


10xx D.G.: Surt é finalmente vencido na batalha final.


50xx D.G.: O experimento da Dra. Fresa dá errado e a cidade de Verus é teleportada para o passado.
















Editado Maio 24, 2018  por Dundé


This is a copypaste guide, made by Fluorite n' pasted by Tekky. “I do not own the rights to this guide.


Contents id001
To navigate to the different topics in this guide, use ctrl F and search for "id" plus the number listed in grey, ie "id002" for the basics section.

Basics 002
Gear 003
Consumables 004
Stats 005
Status Effects 006
Extra Topics

  • Friendly Fire 007
  • Extremely Rare Equipment 008
  • First Aid 009

Change Log 010

Roles and Builds

  • Knight 011
  • Crusader 012
  • Assassin 013
  • Rogue 014
  • Hunter 015
  • Bard 016
  • Dancer 017
  • Priest 018
  • Monk 019
  • Wizard 020
  • Sage 021
  • Blacksmith 022
  • Alchemist 023

Basics id002

Many players only play RO for the sake of War of Emperium, or WoE, a pvp mode in which guilds fight for control of castles. WoE is usually only enabled at a preset time once or twice a week and runs for 1-2 hours. The goal is to break the castle's Emperium, or emp. The emp may only be damaged by normal attacks. Once the emp is destroyed the guild that landed the last hit gains control of the castle. All of the players that are not in that guild will be teleported to their save points and the new castle owners will need to defend their emp. At the end of woe the guild that had control of the castle will keep the castle till the next woe, gaining daily treasure and access to a guild dungeon. There are some changes and restrictions to gameplay on WoE maps:


  • All skills deal 40% less damage.
  • All normal attacks deal 20% less damage.
  • Ice Wall, Teleport, Back Sliding, Intimidate, Warp Portal and family summon abilities are disabled
  • Dead players are immediately sent back to their save point
  • Characters are immune to knockback
  • Damage is not shown
  • Flee stat is reduced by 20%
  • Phen card and similar effects do not function
  • Endure cannot make you immune to flinching
  • Hunter traps last four times longer
  • /nc is disabled, hold your left mouse button down to continually use normal attacks

Success in woe is dependant on builds, gear, consumables and how well you can play your role. I'll start with an overview of these and other topics and move into individual class roles and builds.

Gear id003

Gear increases your attributes, changes your element, or grants new abilities. Some of the best things you can gain from gear are demihuman reduction(reduces all damage from players), mdef, max hp, status immunity, elemental reduction, extra stats, extra damage, and def. Bear in mind that the things that will kill you the most during woe are magic damage, especially damage from meteor storm and storm gust(fire and water elements) and asura strike(pierces def, neutral physical). Damage that is reduced by def is generally not an issue, and so stacking def and refining past the safe limit should not be priorities. You should bring your gear to the safe limit of +4 though. Here's a list of gear that works well for most classes. You should have at least one of the listed options for a given slot.


  • Head: Poo poo hat or Drooping cat. Drooping cat works best when stacking mdef to break a precast, poo poo hat stacks with thara frog card and works best in other situations.
  • Body: Something with Marc card. Marc makes you immune to freeze, a crowd control effect that can easily be spammed across the entire screen by a bard's frost joke or applied by storm gust. This may be the most important piece of gear for any character
  • Shield: Something with Thara Frog card. Not much to explain here, can't beat that damage reduction
  • Robe: Ragamuffin Manteau, something with Jakk card or something with Raydric card. The ragamuffin manteau works best if you are stacking mdef to break a precast, jakk works best if you are trying to break a precast without stacking mdef and raydric works best for most other situations, notably against asura strike
  • Shoes: Crystal Pumps or something with Matyr card. Crystal pumps are for mdef stacking, matyr for most other situations
  • Accessories: Rosary x2 or two slotted rosaries with Alligator cards. These are your defensive options. The damage reduction on alligator card will work on any ranged damage including magic, even if its source is right next to you. The difference in damage reduction is not dramatic so if you only have normal rosaries(for knights and crusaders, normal rosaries are better) don't worry too much. You might also want some other class specific accessories. More info can be found in the individual class sections.

Extra gear you may want to swap out occasionally:


  • Smokie card allows you to use the hiding skill. You can use hiding to avoid aoe damage. Skills with cast times that are targeting you will also fail if you use hiding, including asura strike. Swapping off the smokie card will immediately cancel hiding without incurring an aspd delay.
  • Horong card allows you to use sight. Sight creates a zone around you for 10 seconds that brings all characters, even friendly ones and yourself, out of hiding and other similar effects. This skill is better than ruwatch as it has 3 cells of range instead of 2, it does not incur an aspd delay when it reveals things, and it does not cancel lex aeterna or crowd control. Yes, it is possible to be frozen while hiding. Swapping off the horong card will cancel the sight effect immediately.
  • Frilldora card allows use of level 1 cloaking. Unlike hiding this allows you to move while stealthed. You may only move this way while next to a wall. Also unlike hiding, you will not avoid targeted skills or aoe damage while you are cloaking. Swapping off the frilldora will immediately cancel cloaking without incurring an aspd delay.
  • Horn card adds 35% ranged reduction. This reduction works against all ranged abilities including magic and aoe, even if you are standing next to the player using the abilities, making it viable for breaking precasts. However, it shares a slot with thara frog card, is only a 5% upgrade, and offers no protection against melee attacks.
  • Nightmare card makes you immune to the sleep status effect. Sleep is reduced by int, so if you have 100+ int you won't need this card. Swap it on if you see a player you know uses sleep effects and you don't currently need your reduction headgear.
  • Evil druid card is one of the game's more interesting gear options. It changes your element to undead which has many benefits and drawbacks. The good: you are immune to freeze and stone curse effects, shadow, undead and poison attacks deal no damage, aspersio deals light damage instead of changing your element(useful for breaking emps), you become immune to provoke(swordsmen cannot easily interrupt you). The bad: Magnus Exorcismus will damage you. Heal and sanctuary deal damage instead of healing you. This isn't really a big drawback in woe since you use potions to heal but you should be aware of it. You will also take increased damage from fire and holy. Do not attempt to break a precast while wearing an evil druid card. Turn undead will have a chance to deal 100% of your current hp in holy damage. This damage will be reduced by woe reduction, ranged reduction and your thara frog card and increased by your elemental vulnerability. It shouldn't kill you unless you have lex aeterna cast on you. You can put an evil druid card into the same type of armor you put your marc card in and then use a single key to swap to it whenever you need to be immune to stone curse or aspersio.
  • Mailbreaker/Swordbreaker: Obtainable with this quest. Not equppable by priests or monks. Somewhat difficult or expensive to obtain but these weapons have a chance to break armors/weapons. If your target is chemically protected or using indestructible gear these weapons will be ineffective. Can be useful for most melee attackers.

Extra notes on gear:


  • Gear may be broken by certain skills or weapons and may be repaired by a blacksmith player or an npc that can be found near any upgrade npc. Alchemists can cast skills that prevent your gear from breaking.
  • I will list specific pieces of gear in your class's individual build section, but in some cases a different piece of gear will work almost as well. For example, I list mirror shield in the builds for knights and crusaders and it is the best shield for them, but it is relatively rare and any other slotted shield will work almost as well as long as it has a thara frog card compounded.
  • Gear that adds status resistance, such as Stalactic Golem Card is added multiplicatively. 80 vit plus stalactic golem card will not give you 100% stun resistance, it will give you an 84% resistance against stun instead, and it will not reduce stun's duration. Don't use this card or any similar cards until it is possible to become completely immune to stun with gear in later updates.

Consumables id004

Healing items in ragnarok online are incredibly powerful because they do not have a long delay, you may use several in a second, and so a large part of WoE is keeping up your potion supply between WoEs. The de facto healing items for use in WoE are Condensed White Potion and Blue Potion, but other healing items like Mastela Fruit and normal White Potions can work. Potions that were created by an alchemist on the ladder(type /alchemist in game) heal for 50% more. Other consumables you should take include aspd potions like Concentration Potion, Butterfly Wings for quickly returning to your save point, Green Potions, Panacea, Royal Jellies and/or Holy Water for removing status effects, Yggdrasil Berries and Yggdrasil Seeds which are hard to find but can greatly increase your burst survivability, Authoriative Badges that can take the place of agi up if a priest can't help you, and Aloevera to increase your atk by 5% if you are a physical attacker(you need to unequip or swap off your ED card to use aloevera). Certain skills also consume items. I know this section was short but I cannot stress enough that you will not be successful in woe if you play without any sort of healing consumable. Buy Yinny's Potions

Stats id005


  • str - increases attack for characters equipping most melee weapons, the exceptions are guitars and whips. Base str, not bonus str, increases weight limit. This makes it a good dump stat for any class. 1 str adds 30 weight limit and 1 attack. Every 10 str you will recieve a bonus to attack that scales exponentially the higher your str is, so always build str in multiples of 10 if you are building for attack.
  • agi - increases aspd at certain intervals determined by class, weapon, current aspd buffs and dex. aspd can help you spam almost any skill in the game faster if its cooldown has been removed by bragi, and so it can be valuable for WoE. Also increases flee by 1 point per agi, however flee is decreased by 20% in WoE and many attacks used in WoE cannot be dodged, so you will not build agi to avoid damage in WoE.
  • vit - increases soft def by 1 per point, max hp and hp healing from items by 1% per point, and resistance to many status effects. Soft def reduces the damage you take from physical attacks by 1 per point, which is not very noticeable for WoE. The max hp, increased healing and status resistance, however, are very strong. There are two parts to the reduction to status effects you gain from vit, the first reduces the chance to be affected and the second reduces the duration of the status effect. vit reduces the chance and duration of stun, silence and poison by 1% per point, the duration of curse by 1% per point, and the chance and duration of blind by .5% per point. Every 5 luk also adds the same as 1 vit for status resistance*. Note that the duration, not the chance, of curse is reduced by vit. This means that if a player is spamming an attack that inflicts curse on you when you have less than 100 resistance, you will still be heavily affected by it.
  • int - increases soft mdef by 1 per point, increases mattack for all characters by 1 per point plus exponential max mattack bonuses every 5 points and min mattack bonuses every 7 points, increases max sp and sp healing from items by 1% per point, increases sp regen by 1 per 6 points, decreases sleep and confusion chance and duration by 1% per point and decreases blind chance and duration by .5% per point. This is generally not a dump stat, you should use blue potions to upkeep your sp instead of using int in your build, more information can be found in the individual build section for your class.
  • dex - increases min attack, attack for characters using ranged weapons and guitars/whips, aspd, and decreases cast time. Min attack for both melee and ranged is increased for every increment of 5, you also get 1 attack every 5 points whether you are melee or ranged. Every 10 points grants an exponential bonus to attack for ranged weapons. dex also increases aspd, however it only helps 1/4 as much as agi. 1 point of dex decreases cast times by approximately .66%. If your character has 150 dex they will cast skills instantly. This is generally not possible on classic servers. Still, dex can be a good stat to max for anyone with cast times.
  • luk - Every 5 luk adds 1 attack and 1% status resistance against everything vit reduces*, stacking with vit. Every 1 luk reduces the chance to be cursed by 1%. Every 10 luk adds 1 Perfect dodge. Every 3 luk adds 1 crit. You will basically only add this stat to even out your status resistance.

*As a new player trying to understand the game, you can assume that 5 luk is 1% resistance to stun, stacking with vit resistance. This isn't exactly how it works though. See this comment if you want to go deeper.

Status effects id006


  • Frozen - Your character cannot take any actions for a while. Duration and chance reduced by mdef. If you take damage the effect ends. While frozen your mdef is increased, def is decreased, and your element is forced to water 1. Cured by Status Recovery.
  • Stone curse - Initially you may move, take damage, and use items, but cannot attack or cast skills. After a few seconds this state ends and you harden, changing into an effect exactly like Frozen except you are earth 1. Cured by Blessing and Status Recovery.
  • Stun - Your character cannot take any actions for a few seconds. Does not break with damage. Reduced by vit, cured by Status Recovery.
  • Silence - Your character cannot cast skills for a while. Reduced by vit, cured by Cure, Green potion, Panacea or Royal Jelly.
  • Blind - Hit and flee reduced. Vision impaired. Reduced by int and vit. Cured by Cure, Green potion, Panacea or Royal Jelly.
  • Sleep - Your character cannot take any actions for a while. Duration and chance reduced by int. If you take damage the effect ends. Cured by Status Recovery.
  • Curse - Your movement speed is severely reduced, your attack is decreased and your luk is set to 0 for a while. Duration reduced by vit, chance reduced by luk. Cured by Blessing, Holy Water, Panacea or Royal Jelly.
  • Poison - Take damage over time. Soft def reduced. Duration and chance reduced by vit. Cured by Detoxify, Green Potion, Panacea or Royal Jelly.
  • Strip - A specific gear slot is unequipped and may not be reequipped for the duration. Blocked by the alchemist skill chemical protection.
  • Coma: Only applied by some very rare weapons, the target's HP is reduced to 1 and their sp is reduced to 0.
  • Confusion: Your character will walk in a random direction instead of where you wanted to move. Reduced by int, cured by Cure, Green Potions, Panacea or Royal Jelly.

Inflicting status effects: Besides some skills that inflict status effects inherently, there are some weapons, cards and arrows that will add a chance for your basic attacks and most physical skills to inflict status effects. Cards that inflict status effects include Plankton Card, Savage Babe Card, Marina Card, Magnolia Card, Metaller Card and Requiem Card. Arrows that inflict status effects are cursed arrows, mute arrows, stun arrows, frozen arrows and sleep arrows. If you use four of the same card in a weapon the chance to inflict that status effect rises to 20%, adding status arrows on top of that will increase the chance further. Not all classes can use status arrows.

Extra Topics

Friendly Fire id007
You cannot directly damage your allies, but you can still devastate them if you use your abilities incorrectly. Keep in mind that many status effects break with damage and many ground targeted skills are in effect neutral, such as Safety Wall, Pneuma, Land Protector and Quagmire. Bard and Dancer support skills are also neutral. Try not to aid other guilds more than you are aiding your own.

Extremely Rare Equipment id008
There are some items that are so rare/difficult to obtain that I didn't mention them in my builds. If you are new to this game you probably won't want to try to obtain them but you should understand them. For a bit of perspective, if a golden thief bug is killed continually as soon as it spawns and its spawn time of 60-70 minutes is always 60 minutes, it should drop its card once every 416 days on average(10000 hours / 24). The other cards in this section have more lenient but still similar drop rates since their holders spawn more often. There are other extremely rare equips but their woe implications are not worth mentioning.


  • Golden Thief Bug Card: Makes you immune to magic, including supportive skills and dispel. You can walk through a precast with this card or you can ignore a sage. The big drawback with this card is that it shares a slot with thara frog card so physical attacks will tear you apart, but an adept equipment swapper can deal with that problem easily. It doesn't really shine until the gvg meta starts with the release of transcendant classes. Dealing with gtb users can be as simple as asura striking them, or causing status effects with physical attacks.
  • Ghostring Card: Changes your element to ghost 1. Ghost 1 takes 100% damage from every element except ghost, which it takes 125% from, and neutral which it takes 25% from. Ghost damage is hard to come by in woe, it's rather impossible to take advantage of the 25% increased damage a GR user will take. The 75% reduction in neutral damage is especially powerful against Asura Strike, which is forced to neutral element. The big drawback with this card is that it shares a slot with marc/ED cards, meaning a GR user will freeze or stone curse when they have it equipped, which will change their element to water 1 or earth 1 and allow an Asura Strike to finish them off. Armor swapping can solve this problem partially, to defeat a GR user I recommend a wizard, sage, bard or someone with a freeze status weapon paired with a monk.
  • Deviling Card: Reduces neutral damage by 50%, increases all other elemental damage by 50%, shares a slot with raydric so it is a 30% upgrade to neutral resist. Killing a player using this card with asura strike is difficult but it's also difficult to bring heavy burst from other elemental damage. Put Service For You on your monk and lex the DR user and they will probably die to Asura Strike.
  • Maya Purple Card: Allows its user to see stealthed units, including players. They will appear as a black outline. You will not be able to cast targeted skills on them unless those skills are naturally earth element(earth spike, stone curse, sprinkle sand) but you will be able to aim aoe damage or detect effects at them. Best on sages or hunters. There are some guild dungeons that spawn 3 maya purples every 20 minutes so this card is slightly more common than the others and probably worth farming if your guild has control of a castle that gives you access. Countering this card isn't easy, you won't be able to fool a maya purple user with stealth and it has no big drawback besides the user being unable to equip a nightmare card simultaneously.
  • Orc Hero Card: Grants immunity to stun. You can build a 99 int/dex wizard and have very few drawbacks when using this card.
  • Orc Lord Card: I don't have any solid info on how this stacks up with other effects but it probably means certain death for any monk that uses asura strike on a player using both this card and shield reflect.
  • Mistress Card: Alleviates a sage's heavy gem consumption.
  • Tao Gunka Card: +100% hp, -50 def and mdef. Useful for surviving asura strikes. Uses the same slot as marc and ED but is not as vulnerable to freeze as a ghostring user would be, since the +100% hp remains. Kind of nice for devo crusaders.
  • Samurai Specter Card: You don't have to worry about fighting against this card until transcendants appear. If you obtain this card you may want to wait to card it into an infiltrator[1].
  • Ice Pick: More common than the rare cards, this weapon is generally only used to increase emp breaking speed. If there is a known ice pick user close to your emp kill them first. Ice Picks will be easier to obtain once biolabs are released.

The next four items can be grinded out somewhat reliably with this quest but it is still a big undertaking that involves camping long spawns or buying the items they drop from other players. They will be easier to obtain once biolabs are released.


  • Combat Knife: A dagger that increases your demihuman resistance by 10%, stacking with your thara frog card and poo poo hat for 50% reduction. Great for knights and sages, good on anyone else that can equip daggers, practically mandatory for professors in the gvg meta once transcendants appear.
  • Berserk: A monk equipping this weapon has about the same aspd as if they were unarmed. Its only real use is hotkeying it to increase the speed of your summon spirit sphere.
  • Edge: A one handed sword that has a 3% chance to cause curse and a 1% chance to cause coma. A player spamming potions will not always die to coma but this can be a fun toy or a way to attempt to break a loki's veil.
  • Guillotine: A two handed axe that has a 3% chance to cause coma. A blacksmith using this weapon may get some kills in but since you can't equip a shield at the same time the opportunities to use it are limited.

First Aid id009
This skill might seem useless when players often have more than 10,000 hp but it is useful as an efficient, available on demand way to enter an aspd delay, effectively making your character stop where they are. You can use this skill to stack on the same cell as another player or the same cell as an emperium, making it harder to target you or allowing you to share a safety wall. I'm not sure about the gvg meta in classic but when transcendants hit this ability will be used all the time to create a "stack" or a formation your guild will take when facing other guilds.

Change Log id010

02/17/15 - Crusaders can use Grand Cross to remove lex aeterna from themselves.
02/01/15 - Resurrection doesn't deal holy damage like TU does, it is not threatening in woe.
01/20/15 - Added a navigation system, changed the hunter guide slightly to include emp breaking and default binoculars, aloevera and authoriative badges added to the consumables section, status effects section updated
01/14/15 - Tao Gunka and Mistress cards added to the rare equipment section. Trap duration updated in the general section.
01/13/15 - Seems like the effect luk has on status effects is a little complex, added a notation to the stats section. Orc Hero and Orc Lord cards added to the rare equipment section. Curse updated. Maya purple card updated
01/11/15 - Explained how stalactic golem and other similar cards stack with stats in the gear section under extra notes. Edge, Guillotine and Berserk added to the rare equipment section
01/08/15 - Added an extra topics section with entries on extremely rare equipment and first aid. Added mailbreaker and swordbreaker to the extra gear section
01/07/15 - Small note on str added, only base str affects your weight limit
01/05/15 - normal melee and ranged attacks are actually reduced by 20% during woe. Forgot to mention that dead characters are kicked from castles, also updated restricted skills list. Added credits
01/04/15 - vit, luk, and some builds updated. 97 vit is not always stun immune on ggRO. Knight and Assassin builds changed to use zorro mask masquerade. ED card updated, Turn Undead is not reduced by mdef
12/31/14 - alligator cards updated into most builds
12/27/14 - the status of an individual class's section can be seen in the table of contents
12/26/14 - added a table of contents
12/25/14 - luk section updated, strip added to status effects, added some extra notes to the gear section
12/24/14 - made mention of Evil Druid granting immunity to provoke


Knight id011

A knight is a basic melee attacker. They can be nearly impossible to kill and deal moderate aoe damage. Knights also make great emp breakers.

Optional points are spent on magnum break, provoke and 2H Mastery.

  • Bowling Bash: This is your main damage dealing ability. It hits everything in a 3x3 aoe around your target for 500% damage twice, for a total of 1000% damage. Its delay is aspd and it has a hidden cast time that is reduced by dex. There is a technique known as skill stepping or skill dancing that can avoid bowling bash's aspd delay, it involves telling your character to move immediately after the hidden cast time finishes. It can be hard to use or even reduce your dps in certain situations, use it wisely. Even with an optimal build and skill dancing you won't be able to beat the potting power of a player with near 100 vit and decent reduction gear but if you add several other knights bowling bashing the same player or mob of enemy players the damage will start to get a little ridiculous. This skill may be affected by gutter lines in woe, this is completely outside my area of expertise and I'm not positive about it but what I hear is that it will only hit once and won't be aoe if you are on these invisible lines. For more information on gutter lines read Oroch1's guide here.
  • Increase HP Recovery: Passively doubles the healing amount from all hp recovery items that are not percentage based(ygg seeds won't heal 100% instead of 50%). This ability is extremely powerful and makes it ridiculously hard to take down swordsman types with anything but asura strike.
  • Bash: Hits one target for 400% damage. Delay is aspd. Has a high chance to stun if you learn fatal blow. If your target is not stun immune you can bash till they stun then switch to bowling bash to finish them off.
  • Spear Boomerang: Requires an equipped spear. Deals small damage at range, has a 1 second delay. Use this skill to inflict status effects like sleep with a carded spear.
  • Magnum Break: Deals small fire damage in an aoe centered on you. Has increased accuracy based on skill level and a two second reuse delay. After using this skill your attacks will do a small amount of extra damage that cannot miss, this can be useful for stunning a high flee target with bash. The initial aoe damage can be good for applying status effects or for knocking players out of cloaking.
  • Provoke: Increases an enemy target's attack based on skill level, decreases their soft def and interrupts their cast. Players wearing evil druid card are immune to provoke. This ability does not affect hard def on players so it doesn't really help for damage. It's great for interrupting targets, especially if they are protected by devotion or under a pneuma/safety wall, but it does have a chance to fail based on skill level. Try not to provoke enemy players that are physical attackers.
  • Endure: A self buff that Increases mdef by 10. Stacks very well with the amazing mdef gear swordsman types can already wear for a maximum of 70 mdef. Does not make you immune to flinching like it does in pvm. Removed by dispel.
  • Sword Mastery: Increases your damage by a fixed amount for each hit when using one handed swords or daggers. Procs twice with bowling bash.
  • Peco Peco Ride, Cavalier Mastery: Peco Peco Ride allows you to rent a peco peco and cavalier mastery removes the aspd penalty for using a peco peco. Peco pecos increase your movement speed by 25%(stacks with agi up), increases your weight limit by 1000, and increases the size modifier for spears when hitting medium(players are medium) targets to 100%. The drawback is your sprite becomes enormous. You will be easier to target when using a peco and it can sometimes be difficult to target players standing right next to you. Still, it is highly recommended for knights.
  • Counter Attack: Wait to recieve a normal attack, block it completely and counter with a normal attack of your own that will always be a critical strike. Players won't generally hit you with normal attacks and they won't be threatening in any case, you don't need to set this skill on your bars.
  • 2H Quicken: You will only use this skill when safely attacking without the possibility of taking threatening damage, so hardly ever.
  • 2H sword mastery: Like sword mastery but for 2H swords. Add more points here if you want to deal more damage while using a 2H sword, especially for breaking.
  • Spear Mastery: Like sword mastery but for spears.
  • Pierce: Would deal the same damage as bash to players, if it was maxed. You will not use this skill in woe.

Stats and Equips
If you want to be even harder to kill you can add 9 more base vit.


  • Hands: Your default here will be a thara frog carded shield and a 1H sword carded for bowling bash. You can also swap to a 4x fabre knife for extra survivability. Bring a Gladius[3] carded with 2x orc skeleton and 1x desert wolf for emp breaking. You can put some status cards into a spear such as a pike[4] and use spear boomerang or other attacks to inflict status effects. You may optionally bring a two handed sword for situations where you won't be taking much damage, your dps will go up a fair bit for bowling bash or emp breaking when using a 2H sword and 2H quicken. A katana carded with two hydras and two skeleton workers is best for attacking players, or you can do this quest for an executioner which has better dps if the target has more than 20 def(all players should). A muramasa is best for attacking emps. If you can't get a muramasa, a katana with two orc skeleton cards and two desert wolf cards is second best. Of course using a 2H sword means you won't have a shield equipped, you will need to swap back when something threatening is around.
  • Upper Helm: Default to Poo poo hat, use drooping cat for precasts.
  • Mid helm: Masquerade is best for damage on players. You may wish to use an alarm mask or fin helm instead, especially if you are focusing on breaking emps. Opera Masque is okay.
  • Lower helm: Iron cain is best
  • Body: Switch between marc and evil druid cards. You will probably want a peco peco carded armor to switch to against asura strike.
  • Robe: Default to Raydric Card, use Ragamuffin Manteau for precasts.
  • Shoes: Default to Matyr Card, use Crystal Pumps for precasts.
  • Accessories: Rosaries will outperform alligator rosaries slightly when you are stacking all of your mdef gear and endure. You may wish to use rings with mantis cards in your build instead, or even necklaces with spore cards if you need a tiny bit of hp to survive some monk's asura strike. Smokie/Horong are also great for knights.

Crusader id012

Crusaders focus almost entirely on taking damage for their teammates through use of the skill Devotion.

Optional points are spent on Peco Peco Ride and Cavalier Mastery(max out cavalier mastery if you get peco peco ride), cure, guard, shield boomerang, shield charge and shield reflect.


  • Devotion: Also known as sacrifice, however there is a paladin skill with the same name so call it devotion or devo to avoid confusion. This is a crusader's defining skill and it has a lot of specifics tied to it. Targets a party member that is within 10 levels of you, has a 3 second cast time and will be interrupted by damage. You will become stuck in an animation delay if you take damage while casting this skill, casting a self targeted skill like first aid will free you. Cannot target crusaders and will fail if used on someone another crusader is already protecting. Its delay seems to be aspd layered on top of a brief animation delay. Can affect up to 5 party members at once. Once the cast finishes you will be connected to your ally by a blue line and 100% of the damage they take will be transferred to you instead. If the protected target and you travel too far from each other the line will break. The damage transferred by devotion will be determined by the target's defense, resistance and buffs. Your own def, demi resist etc will not reduce the damage at all. Guard, Reflect Shield, Endure and Defender will be applied to your devotion targets if you have them cast on yourself. This skill is removed if the target is dispelled. Damage transferred through devotion will interrupt casts for the crusader but not for the target protected by devotion. Now that the specifics are out of the way..this skill is obviously very powerful. You can apply your own hp pool and potting power to any of your allies while also allowing them to cast skills without being interrupted. Wizards practically require devotion to function. Other classes like sages and monks benefit quite a bit. Guild leaders can cast emergency recall while taking damage if they are protected by devotion as well, crusaders make terrible guild leaders because this strategy exists and they can't recieve devotion. Before woe starts, your guild should figure out exactly which players in your guild will be protected by which crusaders. Parties should be organized according to this and then you should put the players assigned to you on your friend list and use devotion on them from there. You will need to quickly recast devotion whenever it is removed by dispel, if your targets are being continually dispelled you will want to spam devotion on them. Try and keep guard, reflect shield and endure up while protecting your allies but don't prioritize recasting them over recasting devotion. If you took defender, use it situationally since it reduces your movement speed and the movement speed of your targets.
  • First Aid: Besides the uses I mentioned in the extra information section, first aid is great at freeing you from the pose you get stuck in when you take damage while casting devotion. Give it a good spot when you are determining your hotkeys(I personally have devotion on E and first aid on W).
  • Improve HP Recovery: Passively doubles the healing amount from all hp recovery items that are not percentage based(ygg seeds won't heal 100% instead of 50%). This ability is extremely powerful and makes it ridiculously hard to take down swordsman types with anything but asura strike.
  • Guard: A self buff that adds a chance to recieve no damage from a physical attack. Requires a shield to cast and is removed if your shield is removed. Also removed by dispel. Try to keep it up at all times. Add extra points here if monks become increasingly problematic.
  • Reflect Shield: A self buff that causes most melee attacks against you to reflect part of their damage to their source. Requires a shield to cast and is removed if your shield is removed. Also removed by dispel. Try to keep it up at all times. Another option for dealing with monks.
  • Endure: A self buff that Increases mdef by 10. Stacks very well with the amazing mdef gear swordsman types can already wear for a maximum of 70 mdef. Does not make you immune to flinching like it does in pvm. Removed by dispel.
  • Defender: Also known as Defending Aura. Drastically reduces damage from long range physical attacks. Reduces movement speed. Long range physical attacks are generally not dangerous so this ability is not recommended. Requires a shield to cast and is removed if your shield is removed. Also removed by dispel.
  • Faith: Increases your max hp by 2000 and your holy resistance by 50%. Makes evil druid card an easier choice for crusaders than it is for other classes, you still should switch to marc for precasts though.
  • Peco Peco Ride, Cavalier Mastery: Peco Peco Ride allows you to rent a peco peco and cavalier mastery removes the aspd penalty for using a peco peco. Peco pecos increase your movement speed by 25%(stacks with agi up), increases your weight limit by 1000, and increases the size modifier for spears when hitting medium(players are medium) targets to 100%. The drawback is your sprite becomes enormous. You will be easier to target when using a peco peco and it can sometimes be difficult to target players standing right next to you. In the transcendant gvg meta it was discovered that being on a peco peco made paladins too easy of a target for acid demonstration and every paladin stopped taking the skill but there is no acid demonstration yet so spending your optional points here as a crusader is probably a good idea. The increased weight limit will really help since you will be limited by your 9 str and you'll be using potions for multiple guild members. If you do pick it up, max out cavalier mastery so your devotion doesn't have a big delay.
  • Cure: Removes silence and blind on a target. Green potions also remove silence and blind and your allies should be carrying them but sometimes they will forget. If your guild is really on top of their stuff you don't need to take this skill.
  • Shield Boomerang: Requires a shield to cast. Throw your shield at a target, dealing some minor damage based on your shield's weight instead of your weapon's attack. Use this skill to interrupt casts or apply status effects with status weapons. Add points here if you want to increase its range.
  • Shield Charge: Also known as smite. Requires a shield to cast. Hit a target at close range with your shield, dealing some minor damage. Has a chance to stun. The damage from this skill seems to hit sooner than bash so I like to use it to interrupt asura casts, I might be mistaken though. Bash seems to be better for just causing stun if this skill is rank 3. Rank it if you find inflicting stun is working out for you.
  • Grand Cross: Deals holy damage in an aoe. The main reason you will have for using this skill is removing lex aeterna from yourself with the self damage it deals.
  • Provoke: Increases an enemy target's attack based on skill level, decreases their soft def and interrupts their cast. Players wearing evil druid card are immune to provoke. This ability does not affect hard def on players so it doesn't really help for damage. It's great for interrupting targets, especially if they are protected by devotion or under a pneuma/safety wall, but it does have a chance to fail based on skill level. Try not to provoke enemy players that are physical attackers.
  • Bash: Hits one target for 400% damage. Delay is aspd. Has a high chance to stun if you learn fatal blow. Use it to disrupt people.
  • Magnum Break: Deals small fire damage in an aoe centered on you. Has increased accuracy based on skill level and a two second reuse delay. After using this skill your attacks will do a small amount of extra damage that cannot miss, this can be useful for stunning a high flee target with bash or smite but your dex should be high enough that your attacks never miss. The initial aoe damage can be good for applying status effects or for knocking players out of cloaking.
  • Holy Cross: Deals a small amount of damage and may blind your target, not worth setting on your bars during woe.
  • Any skill I didn't mention is not worth taking for woe.

Simplified priorities during battle


  • First priority: Use Devotion to protect your allies. Use first aid if you get stuck in a weird pose.
  • Second Priority: Keep up Endure, Guard and Shield Reflect. If you took cure use it on allies that are silenced.
  • Third Priority: Use Bash, Smite, Shield Boomerang and Provoke to interfere with enemy targets. You generally don't want to over extend and risk yourself to accomplish this.

Stats and equips
Dex is paramount for reducing devotion's cast time.


  • Weapon: Default to quad drops knife for the devotion speed. You can swap to a quad fabre knife if you see an asura coming on you or one of your devo targets. A status weapon like a quad plankton pike can give you something to do when there's no enemy sage around.
  • Shield: Keep your thara on. You may wish to use an andre egg card if you see an asura coming on one of your devo targets.
  • Upper Helm: Default to aoa for the devotion speed. You can swap to a drooping cat for precasts or a poo poo hat for asuras or other strong damage targeting you. Sleep will break with damage, including damage you take from devotion but if you are put to sleep and then your devo target is dispelled you'll be in a bind, keep a nightmare for those situations.
  • Mid Helm: Fin helm is best, alarm mask or opera masque are fine.
  • Lower Helm: Iron cain is best.
  • Body: Default to evil druid since you have 50% holy resist. Switch to marc for precasts. Switch to a peco peco carded armor if you see an asura coming on you or one of your devo targets.
  • Robe: Default to Raydric Card, use Ragamuffin Manteau for precasts.
  • Shoes: Default to Matyr Card, use Crystal Pumps for precasts.
  • Accessories: Default nimble gloves for the devotion speed. For precasts take rosaries, they will outperform alligator rosaries slightly when you are stacking all of your mdef gear and endure. Horong can help you set up kills for your allies.

the Assassin id013

I'm not going to lie, assassins' damage is so gimped that when their transcendant form came out they gained an ability that increased their damage by 400% - and they still weren't viable in the highest tier of WoE. If you came here to assassinate people, try a monk instead. Assassins will be used for light aoe damage and status application with grimtooth, breaking emps, and getting stealthy emergency recalls off. They're also fairly durable and make good scouts.



  • Cloaking: Become invisible. You can move around at full speed with cloaking level 10, but you still take aoe damage and you can't avoid skills that have already targeted you. Use this to get to an emp unseen or find a good spot to recall if you are a guild leader. Just getting past a guild and cloaking can stir them up and send half of them looking for you, especially if you are a known guild leader, allowing your guild to smash through their defensive setup.
  • Hiding: Burrow underground, becoming invisible, avoiding aoe damage, and avoiding skills that were being cast on you. You cannot move in this mode but you can use grimtooth. You can enter hiding directly from cloaking. Earth spike and heaven's drive will still hit you.
  • Grimtooth: Only usable while hiding and while you have a katar equipped. Ranged aoe attack that deals 200% of your normal damage. If you have a status arrow equipped, it will have a chance to apply the status to all targets and the arrow will never be consumed. Good choices are cursed arrows, mute arrows and stun arrows. You can also use frozen arrows and sleep arrows, but these effects are broken by damage so you will need to stop grimtoothing if they are applied.
  • Sonic Blow: Only usable with katars. Does 800% of your normal attack to a target and may stun the target. It has a two second hard delay so the damage is not very high, but you may be able to kill a player that has no vit if they get stunned. You will want to swap to a shield while waiting for the delay.
  • Enchant Poison: Enchant your weapon with the poison element. Swapping your weapon cancels the effect. Useful for bypassing raydric card, but if you attack someone with evil druid card equipped you will deal no damage. Asking for aspersio will usually be better against any player that is not a crusader. Do not hit the emp with enchant poison active.
  • Envenom: Use this to interrupt casts, specifically slow asura strikes. Better than normal attacks since blade catch won't work on skills. Hide will often be a better option, it's situational. Can also be used to inflict status effects with the right weapon.
  • Right and Left Hand Mastery: Assassins may dual wield. You will only dual wield while safely attacking an emp. If you are going to take significant damage while attacking an emp switch to a shield with thara frog card.

Stats and Equips


  • Hands: Default to assassin's dagger and cranial shield. This is your tanking set and also your emp breaking set until cursed water becomes available. Have a main gauche[4] with two orc skeleton cards and two desert wolf cards available for when you can safely dual wield to break an emp. Always equip the dagger with the lower base attack in your left hand. For grimtooth and sonic blow, use either an infiltrator or a jur[3] with two hydra cards and one skeleton worker card. The infiltrator doesn't need cards and will outperform the jur at higher upgrade levels. Always remember to swap back to your shield when you aren't attacking or between sonic blows.
  • Upper helm: Default to Poo poo hat, use drooping cat for precasts.
  • Mid helm: Masquerade is best for damage on players. You may wish to use an alarm mask or opera masque instead, especially if you are focusing on breaking emps.
  • Lower helm: Go for looks if this slot is free
  • Body: Switch between marc and evil druid cards. You may also want a peco peco carded armor to switch to against asura strike. Thief clothes are the best armor choice here but if you can't get it use a slotted mantle or other light armor instead. Using chain mail is not recommended for classic woe because it is too heavy.
  • Robe: Default to Raydric Card, use Ragamuffin Manteau or Jakk Card for precasts.
  • Shoes: Default to Matyr Card, use Crystal Pumps for precasts.
  • Accessories: Default to rings of muscle to help your damage, you can switch to Four Leaf Clover Rosaries for breaking precasts.

If your guild is attempting a first cell precast, you may wish to reset to a str>agi>dex build.

Rogue id014

Rogues focus almost entirely on disabling opponents by forcefully removing their equipment.



  • Divest Helm, Shield, Armor, Weapon: Has a chance based on dex(yours and theirs) to strip an opponent of a piece of gear, unequipping it and placing a debuff on them for a few minutes that prevents them from re-equipping any item to that slot. Has a short cast time and a short delay. Needless to say, these skills are extremely powerful. Robbing someone of their shield removes their 30% damage reduction, taking away their armor allows them to be frozen, removing their weapon stops most of their damage. However, there is a set of alchemist skills called chemical protection that consume 4 glistening coats to protect against divestment completely. When your target is not chemically protected you will handle them like a child. When they are chemically protected they will be able to practically ignore you. You CAN divest equips that are indestructible.
  • Hiding: Burrow underground, becoming invisible, avoiding aoe damage, and avoiding skills that were being cast on you. Rogues may move slowly in this mode thanks to Stalk. Earth spike and heaven's drive will still hit you.
  • Double Strafe: Use this skill to interrupt casts or cause status effects, perhaps frozen after removing an opponent's armor or sleep after removing their helm. If your target is chemically protected putting them to sleep like this will probably be your best bet. You could also dps with this after removing a shield but the damage won't be too high. If you find yourself doing this often you may wish to take 3 points off of Stalk and add them to double strafe. Be aware that you are missing out on a lot of damage reduction when you use a bow.
  • Remove Trap: Use this skill to let your guild bypass a hunter's line of ankle snares. Has a short range, no cast time and no cooldown.
  • Envenom: Use this skill to interrupt casts, specifically slow asura strikes. Better than normal attacks since blade catch won't work on skills. Hide will often be a better option, it's situational. Can also be used to inflict status effects with the right weapon.

Stats and Equips
You can take some str instead of agi, you can also lower your vit if you want more str or agi.


  • Weapon: If you are stripping with bragi go unarmed. If you are stripping without bragi you may want a knife with four drops cards. A knife with four fabre cards can increase your survivability. You may also want some knives or bows with status cards, especially for sleep or frozen. If you want to torment people after taking away their shield get a composite bow with two hydra and two skeleton worker cards.
  • Shield: Keep that thara on. Only swap to a bow if you know you won't be attacked by anything significant.
  • Upper helm: Default to Poo poo hat, use drooping cat for precasts. You may want an apple of archer in case you find yourself stripping a target that can't fight back.
  • Mid helm: Alarm mask is best, opera masque can be used instead.
  • Body: Switch between marc and evil druid cards. Thief clothes are the best armor choice here but if you can't get it use a slotted mantle or other light armor instead. Using chain mail is not recommended for classic woe because it is too heavy.
  • Robe: Default to Raydric Card, use Ragamuffin Manteau or Jakk Card for precasts.
  • Shoes: Default to Matyr Card, use Crystal Pumps for precasts.
  • Accessories: Default to nimble gloves so you have an easier time stripping people, you can switch to Four Leaf Clover Rosaries for breaking precasts.

Hunter id015

Hunters are disablers. They place traps that prevent movement and use status bows/arrows to cause status effects at range. They're also great at finding stealthed players and they can deal moderate single target dps with double strafe, or break an emp at range with normal attacks.

Extra 3 points go anywhere.


  • Double Strafe: Requires a bow. Consumes 1 arrow. Causes damage at high range, delay is aspd. Use this skill to inflict status effects, keep a target from casting skills, hitlock a target, or deal damage. The damage from this skill is easily beaten with potions so don't focus on dealing damage with it unless the target will actually die from it or you have nothing else to do. Don't use this skill if you will be taking significant damage, swap to a shield instead.
  • Arrow shower: Requires a bow. Consumes 1 arrow. Targets the ground and causes small damage in an aoe at high range, delay is animation based. Use this skill to inflict status effects or interrupt casts on a group at range. It will also hit assassins who are cloaking. Don't use this skill if you will be taking significant damage, swap to a shield instead.
  • Attention Concentrate: Increase your agi and dex and reveal all stealthed targets around you.
  • Detect: Requires a falcon. Targets the ground. Reveal all stealthed targets in an area. Useful for checking if an assassin or rogue has wandered into your traps.
  • Blitz Beat: Requires a falcon. Deals small damage in an aoe, pierces def. Does not apply status effects. Scales on dex and int, has a cast time. Useful for interrupting casts when you can't take off your shield or don't feel like taking off your shield.
  • Remove Trap: Remove a trap from close range. Grants 1 trap item. You can remove ankle snares that are affecting your allies this way.
  • Spring Trap: Requires a falcon. Disable a trap at range. Doesn't work on ankle snares that are currently affecting a target.
  • Ankle Snare: Consumes one trap item. Place a trap that snares the next person to walk over it, preventing them from moving. It lasts for quite a while. Monks may still use snap while they are snared but they will not be able to cast asura strike. The duration of this trap is reduced by agi. If you want to restrict movement through a certain part of a castle, such as the area around your precast or the defending guild's spawn point, litter the whole area with ankle snares. Keep in mind that it will also snare allies. Ankle snare and all other traps cannot be placed on a cell next to another trap and they cannot be placed under players or other units.
  • Sandman: Consumes one trap item. When triggered, has a chance to inflict sleep to all characters in a 5x5 area. This trap will make allies or yourself fall asleep as well. You can place this trap next to a player and then equip a nightmare card and walk over it yourself to make them fall asleep. Great for defending emps.
  • Shockwave Trap: Consumes two trap items. Drains 80% of sp for whoever triggers it. Allies can trigger this trap. Really only good on players who don't bring sp recovery items, or if you want to be a jerk and make someone use more recovery items.
  • Talkie Box: Write a message that will display when the trap is walked over. This trap is just for fun.
  • Skid Trap: Has no effect in woe
  • Flasher: Blind is not the best status effect
  • Land Mine: Deals small damage and has a chance to stun, not really useful
  • Freezing Trap: Most players will be defaulting to freeze immune armors, ankle snare or sandman are much more reliable traps
  • Blast mine: Deals small aoe damage, not useful
  • Claymore Trap: Deals small aoe damage, not useful

Stats and Equips
This build is stun immune without the quad vital knife. The str is for carrying more traps and arrows, and other consumables. You will be a mostly functional hunter as long as you are close to stun immune so feel free to change it up, for example dropping 4 vit would net enough agi to gain 2 aspd and the brief stuns you experience won't really hinder you unless you are breaking an emp in a situation where reacquiring your target will be difficult.


  • Hands: Default to your thara frog guard. You can use a fabre x4 knife for extra survivability as well. For damage with double strafe, take a composite bow with two hydra and two skeleton worker cards. For breaking emps take a composite bow with two orc skeleton and two desert wolf cards and use Arrow of Shadow. Carded status bows are also essential. Use composite bow[4] or bow[4] for the status cards depending on how you want them to be hotkeyed. Sleep is probably the most useful, if used on anything but a wizard or bard it has a high chance of putting the target out of the fight for a while. If your target isn't using a disguise you can watch their helm to see if it changes to something other than poo poo hat, drooping cat, apple of archer or mistress crown, that usually means they swapped on a nightmare card and you can stop trying to put them to sleep. Stun, curse and silence are the next best, they are useful on anyone that didn't build 100 status resistance. Confusion has a good chance to be applied and it can be deadly if the target walks into a danger zone but in the end its effectiveness is dependent on rng and it does nothing if the target doesn't try to move. Everyone should use marc or ED card so freeze is the low end status but it can catch tanky players who swap to peco peco card to survive asura strikes, or shut down a ghostring user.
  • Upper Helm: Default to poo poo hat. You can swap to drooping cat for precasts. You should have a Nightmare carded headgear so you don't put yourself to sleep with your own sandman traps.
  • Mid helm: Binoculars are best, Alarm mask, Opera Masque or Masquerade will work fine.
  • Lower helm: Go for looks if this slot is free.
  • Body: Default to marc, swap to ED as needed.
  • Robe: Default to Raydric Card, use Ragamuffin Manteau or Jakk Card for precasts.
  • Shoes: Default to Matyr Card, use Crystal Pumps for precasts.
  • Accessories: Four leaf clover rosaries are more defensive, nimble gloves are more offensive. Part of your job will be looking for stealthed players, you may want to take horong to add an additional stealth detecting area since there is no box of sunlight.

Bard id016

Bards focus almost entirely on playing songs that apply strong buffs to their guild.

Bards have abilities known as songs that create a persistent 7x7 zone around the caster. The zone applies a buff to anyone who stands in it, excluding the caster, so avoid playing songs when opposing players are within your range if you can. If you stop playing or someone leaves the aoe the buff will fall off after 20 seconds. If two bards play songs in the same area it will create dissonance in that area, dealing small damage over time instead of applying the buff. If you have more than one bard in your guild, only one should be playing songs in a given area. The other may focus on frost joke or loki's veil or reroll. Swapping weapons will instantly cancel a song, allowing a technique called song flashing that is used to only briefly apply a song. You can use song flashing to quickly cycle through and apply multiple songs.


  • Magic Strings: Also known as Poem of Bragi. This song greatly decreases casting time and casting delay. The effects scale with your int and dex in steps of 5 - your int helps the casting delay part and your dex helps the casting time part. Should be applied to your guild at all times.
  • Impressive Riff: Also known as Assassin Cross of Sunset. This song significantly increases attack speed. It scales with your agi in steps of 10. Should be applied to your guild at all times.
  • Song of Lutie: Also known as The Apple of Idun. This song increases max hp. It scales with your vit in steps of 10. Works very well against monks. Should be applied to your guild at all times.
  • Classical Pluck: Also known as Loki's Veil. You must be next to a dancer who has a point in this skill and is in your party to be able to activate it. Creates a zone that blocks players standing in it from activating abilities. This is what makes precasts such a pain. A guild's main bragi bard may not need a point in this skill.
  • Unbarring Octave: Known more commonly as Frost Joke. Instant cast, has a moderate delay. Has a chance to freeze every enemy on your screen, every party member on your screen(guild members outside of your party are safe), and yourself. Can completely shut down masses of ungeared players, catch a knight with their pecopeco card equipped, or keep players your rogue has been working on down. When using this skill your character will say random jokes, these jokes are taken from a file you can edit. Google "edit frost joke" if you want to make up your own lines.
  • Encore and Amp: Amp is also known as Adaptation to Circumstances. Cancelling a song with amp and then recasting it with encore is sp efficient if you are only keeping up one song.
  • Melody Strike: Ranged attack that fires an arrow with your instrument. You may cast this skill while you are playing a song. Take one point in this ability if you want to inflict status effects.
  • Unchained Serenade: Also known as Dissonance. A song that deals immediate small damage in an area and then every 3 seconds afterwards. You can flash this song to easily interrupt casts.
  • Music Lessons: Increases the effect of your songs.

Stats and Equips
This is a basic build for bragi, sunset and apples. It is two points from stun immune, you may wish to fiddle with it. If your guild mates have high dex, int will be more valuable. If your guild mates have lower dex, dex will be more valuable. Confer with them when deciding your build. A build focusing on frost joke should have aspd, add 99 agi/vit. The effectiveness of a frost joke build is based on the gear level of the server. A build focusing on loki's veil should max survivability and be completely immune to all status effects that make you stop casting the skill. You should have 100 int for sleep, max out vit, and use evil druid card. Alternatively go vit/agi and use nightmare card.


  • Weapon: Instruments are required for songs. A harp will allow you to max out your int. Your weapon should always be chemically protected but if you want to use a golem card in your harp as a guarantee you can drop some stats somewhere, or add an earring[1] with a spore card and adjust accordingly. You should have two of the exact same harp and set them to a hotkey. Press the hotkey to instantly cancel songs. Bows are not generally worth bringing to woe for bards.
  • Shield: Keep that thara on.
  • Upper helm: Default to poo poo hat. You probably shouldn't be entering a precast until the wizards are disrupted, feel free to keep a drooping cat just in case though. You may wish to use dex or int headgears instead to reach break points for bragi.
  • Mid helm: Binoculars are best. Alarm mask or opera masque aren't bad. You should already be immune to blind though, don't go all out for alarm mask unless you want to intimidate people.
  • Lower helm: Go for looks if this slot is open.
  • Body: Default to Evil Druid for the int bonus, switch to Marc as needed.
  • Robe: Default to Raydric Card. You can keep a ragamuffin manteau or jakk card for magic damage if you want.
  • Shoes: Default to Matyr Card. You can keep crystal pumps for magic damage if you want.
  • Accessories: Earrings help you reach 120 int. You can use other statted accessories if you aren't maxing int out, or Four Leaf Clover Rosaries if you want mdef.

Dancer id017

Dancers are the counterparts of bards, but they focus more on disabling opponents and less on aiding allies.

Dancers have abilities known as dances that create a persistent 7x7 zone around the caster. The zone applies a buff to anyone who stands in it, excluding the caster, or a debuff to all enemies in the aoe. If you stop dancing or someone leaves the aoe the buff or debuff will fall off after 20 seconds. If two dancers dance in the same area it will create an ugly dance in that area, dealing small damage to sp over time instead of applying the buff or debuff. Swapping weapons will instantly cancel a dance, allowing a technique called dance flashing that is used to only briefly apply a dance. You can use dance flashing to quickly apply a dance and then go back to doing something else.


  • Gypsy's kiss: Also known as Service for You. This dance increases max sp and decreases sp usage. The max sp increase is very powerful when applied to monks as their damage is based on their max sp. The reduced sp consumption will increase your guild's sustainability in the field, meaning less trips to the kafra npc to pull out more blue potions. It's generally not a big deal if an enemy player gains your buff from this skill but you should make an effort to avoid giving it to enemy monks. Both effects scale with your int in steps of 10.
  • Slow Grace: Also known as Please Don't Forget Me. This dance applies a debuff to enemy players that reduces movement speed and attack speed significantly. It also removes any skills that increase movement speed or attack speed, such as adrenaline rush or agility up. Diving into an enemy guild and flashing this dance can cripple them completely since almost all skills have an aspd delay. The aspd penalty scales with dex in steps of 10 and the movement speed penalty scales with agi in steps of 10.
  • Dazzler: Known more commonly as Scream. Instant cast, has a moderate delay. Has a high chance to stun every enemy on your screen, every party member on your screen(guild members outside of your party are safe), and yourself. Anyone without high vit will be at risk of being stun locked permanently when an agility built dancer with the bragi buff is spamming scream. Wizards and monks lose out on a lot of power when they build high vit, so you will be mainly stunning those two classes, as well as scrubs that don't know how to build. When using this skill your character will say random shocking lines, these lines are taken from a file you can edit. Google "edit frost joke" if you want to make up your own lines.
  • Classical Pluck: Also known as Loki's Veil. You must be next to a bard who has a point in this skill and is in your party to be able to activate it. Creates a zone that blocks players standing in it from activating abilities. This is what makes precasts such a pain.
  • Sling Arrow: Ranged attack that fires an arrow with your instrument. You may cast this skill while you are dancing. Useful for inflicting status effects or interrupting casts.
  • Encore and Amp: Amp is also known as Adaptation to Circumstances. Cancelling a dance with amp and then recasting it with encore is sp efficient if you are only keeping up one dance.
  • Dance Lesson: Increases the effect of your dances.
  • Double Strafe: You can use this skill to inflict status effects or interrupt casts at range if you have nothing else to do.
  • Arrow Shower: Like double strafe, you can use this skill at range to inflict status effects or interrupt casts at range. This skill generally fires slower than double strafe but it is aoe.
  • Hip Shaker: Also known as Ugly Dance. Drains sp by a tiny amount. Not really ever used.

Stats and Equips
Scream/Slow Grace
This is a basic build for using either scream or slow grace. If you want to focus on slow grace you can take away some agi and add more dex. Adding more agi will not help you spam scream faster than this build unless your bard has 125 int. You should provide Gypsy's Kiss with this build as well if your guild doesn't have a dancer built for it.


  • Weapon: If you are spamming scream and you have bragi, you should unequip your weapon to increase your aspd. For dances you will want two rope[4] that each have three fabre cards and a golem card, create a hotkey with them so you can flash your dances. You may also want a carded bow for status effects.
  • Shield: Keep that thara on. Remember to reequip it if you swap to your bow.
  • Upper helm: Default to poo poo hat. Use a drooping cat against precasts. If you will be using loki's veil grab a nightmare card.
  • Mid helm: Alarm mask is best, opera masque is a close second.
  • Body: Default to Marc, switch to Evil Druid as needed.
  • Robe: Default to Raydric Card. Use a ragamuffin manteau or jakk card for precasts.
  • Shoes: Default to Matyr Card. Use crystal pumps for precasts.
  • Accessories: Four Leaf Clover Rosaries will work best for survivability. Smokie and horong cards in rosaries also work great. Stats won't let you reach much of a break point.

Gypsy's Kiss
This build focuses on providing the best gypsy's kiss possible. Especially useful when your guild is precasting. If you find yourself having sp issues you can take out some agi and add some str so you can carry more blue potions. Only gearing differences from the above build are listed below.


  • Upper helm: You need at least 1 int here. You can get it with a coronet, crown, crown of mistress or something with Elder Willow card. Swap to a defensive headgear if you will be taking significant damage.
  • Mid helm: Opera Masque or Alarm Mask. You should already be immune to blind though, don't go all out for alarm mask unless you want to intimidate people.
  • Body: Default to Evil Druid for the int bonus, switch to marc as needed.
  • Accessories: You need earrings for the int bonus. You can swap to Four Leaf Clover Rosaries if you are breaking a precast.

Priest id018

Priests are a supportive class that apply strong buffs and debuffs, cure status effects, and create zones that block damage. If you play a priest correctly then by the end of WoE everyone in your guild should consider you their best bud. Something different about priests in ragnarok online's WoE is that they shouldn't focus on healing. If you really want to work directly with your allies' hp bars consider playing an alchemist instead.

Extra points spent on Magnificat, Impositio Manus, Suffragium, B.S.Sacramenti, Gloria, Increase SP Recovery or Turn Undead(1 point only). You may need to take some points out of Kyrie Eleison to get B.S.Sacramenti.

  • Heal: Why is heal not a viable option for priests in WoE? Heal doesn't have much throughput. Bragi can make it somewhat faster but it still comes with a hefty animation delay. You also need to sacrifice your dex for int if you want to heal. Players can already spam potions to keep themselves alive. The Alchemist skill Aid Potion can heal much faster without sacrificing important stats. If you think you want 10 heal anyway, take the points out of decrease agi.
  • Blessing: Adds 10 str, int and dex to a target for 4 minutes. Also removes curse and stone curse's hardened state. Keep it up on everyone in your guild.
  • Increase Agi: Adds 12 agi and 25% movement speed to a target for 4 minutes. Also cancels agi down. Keep it up on everyone in your guild.
  • Pneuma: Creates a 3x3 zone that blocks ranged attacks targeting anyone in the zone. Very useful against hunters and other classes with ranged attacks. Try not to block your own attackers with this skill. Pneuma and Safety wall cannot exist in the same space. They block the other from being cast into their area. You can use pneuma to block safety walls from enemy wizards, sages or priests. This is usually employed when attacking an emp with knights or assassins, or when an allied monk is casting asura strike.
  • Warp Portal: Warp players to a spot saved with /memo. You can /memo outside any castle. Be sure to help your allies return to the castle whenever it's convenient. You may want a dual cliented warper at your guild's save point just for this purpose.
  • Ruwach: Passively reveal any stealthed units within 2 cells of you for 10 seconds. If you reveal an enemy this way you will deal a small amount of damage to them and enter an aspd delay. Enemy players with hide and decent aspd can lock you in place and prevent you from taking any actions by moving into your Ruwach and spamming hide. You can get sight from a Horong Card or avoid casting Ruwach if this will be an issue. Try not to reveal allies.
  • Decrease Agi: The offensive form of Increase Agi. Reduces agi and movement speed and cancels Increase Agi, as well as other movement or aspd related abilities.
  • Cure: Removes silence and blind on a target. Green potions also remove silence and blind and your allies should be carrying them but sometimes they will forget. If your guild is really on top of their stuff you don't need to take this skill.
  • Angelus: Increases soft def, which is practically worthless for WoE, and causes every party member on your screen to enter an aspd delay. Don't use this ability.
  • Holy Light: Deals small holy damage and removes Kyrie Eleison. Cast this to interrupt casts or whenever you think an opponent has KE. If the target's damage reduction reduces the damage of this skill below their soft mdef, it will miss. You may wish to add int to address this.
  • Kyrie Eleison: Puts a barrier on a target that blocks 30% of their max hp in physical damage, or a certain number of attacks, whichever happens first. Useful for attempting to survive asura strikes or helping a wizard avoid taking damage so their long cast time spells will finish. The target enters an aspd delay when they recieve KE so be wary of spamming this skill on allies. You might even want to set level 1 and use it to cause aspd delays on enemies. I cannot confirm that this works.
  • Sanctuary: Creates a healing zone that constantly heals anyone inside. The healing does not scale on your base level or int. Not very significant on players and your guild will usually be standing on a Land Protector anyway. However, this is the only skill in the game that actually heals emperiums. You should keep it up whenever your emperium takes damage. There will be a healing animation when it heals an emp so you will be able to tell if your emp is at full hp or not.
  • Safety Wall: Creates a zone on a single cell that blocks all melee attacks directed at anyone standing on the cell. Ends after absorbing a certain number of attacks. Very useful for defending an emperium or blocking an asura strike. Try not to block your own monks and knights with it. Pneuma and Safety wall cannot exist in the same space. They block the other from being cast into their area. You can use Safety Wall to block enemy pneuma casts.
  • Magnificat: Doubles hp and sp regen for your party. Can help out your wizards during defensive sieges.
  • Status Recovery: Removes most negative status effects like stun or frozen. You may need to spam this skill on your monks or wizards. Be ready to cast it quickly.
  • Lex Divina: Has a chance to inflict silence on a target. This skill is unreliable, has a long delay, and is cured by green potions so you should assign it low priority. Can sometimes work well on monks or wizards who forget to use green potions or anyone that didn't build a lot of vit.
  • Lex Aeterna: Doubles the damage of the next attack to land on the target. Your monks will highly appreciate you using this skill before they cast asura strike. Practically required to take down knights.
  • Aspersio: Enchant the target's weapon with holy. If they are undead they will take minor damage instead. Apply this skill to your allies when they request it. Attempt to apply it to opponents who attack your emperium since the emperium is holy and it will cause their attacks to miss.
  • Impositio Manus: Increases the target's attack for 1 minute. If you play with a lot of physical attackers you will probably want to max this skill.
  • Suffragium: Reduces the cast time of the target's next spell by 45%. Great for wizards, sages and monks with low dex. You cannot cast this skill on yourself.
  • Turn Undead: You can use turn undead to kill enemy players who use evil druid cards. Due to woe reduction and damage reduction on gear you will need to use lex aeterna on them in order to one shot them. Crusaders won't die to turn undead even if they are lexed. Most effective when a wizard or sage is available so the opponent will either die or be stone cursed. This is basically a hat trick and it won't be useful often. If you take this skill you will need to learn when you have time to cast it and when you need to focus on supporting.
  • B.S.Sacramenti: Changes the element of players in the area to holy 1. Make sure they equip their marc before you cast it on them. This skill is great for breaking precasts.
  • Gloria: Gloria adds 30 luk to your party. It causes an aspd delay when it is applied and it doesn't last long. You mostly use gloria to apply 6% resistance towards stun and other status effects but it may not be worth the aspd delay. Probably best in a party with monks and wizards since they will not be maxing vit.
  • Increase SP Recovery: Increases the sp recovered by items by 10% per skill level. Doesn't work on percentage based recovery items(ygg seeds won't recover more than 50%). Put points here to increase your staying power.

Stats and Equips
str, int and agi can all be viable choices after dex and vit.


  • Weapon: Long mace reduces ranged damage recieved by 10%. It's what you'll want to default to when you are taking damage. If you are spamming skills, you will probably want to go barehanded so your aspd goes up.
  • Shield: Use a thara, but you can keep a horn for precasts since it stacks so well with long mace and alligator cards.
  • Upper helm: Default to poo poo hat. Use a drooping cat against precasts. Keep a nightmare, one of your jobs is to free your guild from status effects but you can't do that if you are sleeping.
  • Mid helm: Alarm mask is best, opera masque is a close second.
  • Body: Default to Marc, switch to Evil Druid as needed.
  • Robe: Default to Raydric Card. Use a ragamuffin manteau or jakk card for precasts.
  • Shoes: Default to Matyr Card. Use crystal pumps for precasts.
  • Accessories: Four Leaf Clover Rosaries will work best for survivability. Smokie and horong cards in rosaries also work great. You may want gloves with zerom cards for your cast times instead.

Monk id019

Monks are capable of easily one shotting most players, but they have a considerable ramp up time and are expensive to maintain.

You can move the points in increase and decrease agi around, but you should have at least 1 point in each.


  • Summon Spirit Sphere: Create a sphere that increases your damage by a tiny amount. Has a 1 second cast time. You can have up to 5 at once. Spirit spheres are consumed by some monk abilities and removed by another monk's Absorb Spirits skill.
  • Critical Explosion: Also known as Fury. Increases your crit rate and disables your natural sp recovery for a few minutes. Consumes 5 spirit spheres when cast. Consumed by Asura Strike and removed by dispel.
  • Asura Strike: Also known as guillotine fist. This is a monk's defining skill. Consumes 5 spirit spheres, fury and all of your sp when cast. Deals roughly (attack * current sp / 10) damage and pierces defense. Forced to neutral element. Has a 2 second cast time at level 5 and will be interrupted by damage. When built correctly you will one shot nearly anyone with asura strike but there are some important things to watch out for when using the skill. If your target is standing in a safety wall, is hiding when you finish casting, or procs guard either because they are a crusader or because they have devotion, then they will take no damage and your spheres, fury and sp will all be consumed. You can use ruwach or sight to stop hide, block safety wall with pneuma, and get a sage to remove guard and devotion with dispel. Devotion is another skill to be aware of. It transfers all damage dealt to a target to the crusader instead. You can still kill the crusader this way you just need to be aware of who will take the damage. You also need to be wary of shield reflect, another crusader ability that is transfered by devotion. Shield reflect can reflect up to 40% of the damage you deal back to you and is also removed by dispel. Covering exactly what other conditions affect your asura strike damage and its ability to one shot are outside the scope of this guide but your target's class, build and gear levels are factors and if your target has Kyrie Eleison, has apple of idun, or is using mage coat while being protected by devotion then it will be harder to deal lethal damage to them. If you have a dancer's service for you or the target has lex aeterna cast on them then it will be easier to deal lethal damage.
  • Body Relocation: Also known as snap. Consumes one spirit sphere to cast, or will only consume sp if you are in fury. Teleports you instantly to a chosen spot. For two seconds after casting snap you will be unable to cast asura strike. You can use snap to travel quickly or teleport past traps, other negative ground skills, or hostile players. There may be a..bug? unintended feature? known as "snap dodge" that allows you to avoid damage. It works by teleporting off screen in the instant you would take damage. I don't know if it exists on ggRO.
  • Absorb Spirits: Remove your spheres, an ally's spheres, or an enemy's spheres. Restores sp for each sphere absorbed. Has a 2 second cast time. Absorbing spheres from a monk that is already casting asura strike will not stop asura strike from doing damage(ah, those were the days). Still, if you are spamming this skill on a monk it should be impossible for them to get the 5 spheres they need for asura.
  • Investigate: Also known as occult impaction. Consumes one sphere. Deals more damage the more def the target has. You generally don't use this in WoE.
  • Finger Offensive: Also known as throw spirit sphere. Ranged attack that consumes spheres. You can use this to interrupt casts at range or cause status effects with a status weapon.
  • Blade Catch: Also known as root. When activated you wait for an incoming basic attack, when you recieve it both you and the attacker will be unable to move, attack or use skills for a while. Certain monk skills are castable while in this state based on the level of the skill. Level 5 allows you to cast asura strike from the root state, but it is not worth dropping snap or asura points to pick this up.
  • Steel Body: Also known as mental strength. Consumes 5 spheres, sets your hard def and mdef to 90, disallows skills for the duration. Cannot be manually canceled. You could walk through a precast in this state but once you get through you won't be able to use skills and you will die to asura strike. Alternatively you could get dispelled before you make it through the loki's veil. Avoid using this skill.
  • Raging Triflecta Blow, Raging Quadruple Blow, Raging Thrust: Raging triflecta blow has a chance to proc when you are using normal attacks. You can chain it into a quadruple blow which can then be chained into raging thrust. Raging thrust can be chained into an instant cast asura strike. This is usually done for style points but it can be effective against a player who is using hiding. Don't stand around hoping to get this off during a serious fight.
  • Heal: Don't use this ability.
  • Blessing: Adds 10 str, int and dex to a target for 4 minutes. Also removes curse and stone curse's hardened state. Keep this up on yourself for the cast speed and damage it lends to asura strike. If your priests are busy or missing you may need to cast this on your allies as well.
  • Increase Agi: Adds some agi and 25% movement speed to a target for its duration. Also cancels agi down. You may want to ask your guild's priests to cast this instead as you won't have spare points to max it but again, if your priests are busy or missing you will need to cast this on yourself and your allies.
  • Pneuma: Creates a 3x3 zone that blocks ranged attacks targeting anyone in the zone. Very useful against hunters and other classes with ranged attacks. Try not to block your own attackers with this skill. Pneuma and Safety wall cannot exist in the same space. They block the other from being cast into their area. You can use pneuma to block safety walls from enemy wizards, sages or priests, allowing your asura strike to go through unhindered.
  • Warp Portal: Warp players to a spot saved with /memo. You can /memo outside any castle. Be sure to help your allies return to the castle whenever it's convenient. You may want a dual cliented warper at your guild's save point just for this purpose.
  • Ruwach: Passively reveal any stealthed units within 2 cells of you for 10 seconds. If you reveal an enemy this way you will deal a small amount of damage to them(removes lex aeterna, very bad) and enter an aspd delay. Enemy players with hide and decent aspd can lock you in place and prevent you from taking any actions by moving into your Ruwach and spamming hide. Since this skill is so requisite for making sure your asura targets don't use hide, and because it has so many weaknesses, I highly recommend you use sight from a horong card instead of using this skill. If your asura target times their hide just right then even if they are standing in ruwach or hide they will successfully avoid the asura. You may need to play mind games with them so they miss their timing, I'll leave it up to you to get creative with this.
  • Decrease Agi: The offensive form of Increase Agi. Reduces agi and movement speed and cancels Increase Agi, as well as other movement or aspd related abilities.
  • Holy Light: Deals small holy damage and removes Kyrie Eleison. Cast this to interrupt casts or whenever you think an opponent has KE. If the target's damage reduction reduces the damage of this skill below their soft mdef, it will miss.

Stats and Equips
Gearing a monk is fairly simple but deciding on stats is ridiculously hard. There are three things you are aiming to obtain from stats: cast speed which is gained from dex, status resistance and durability which is gained from vit, and damage which is gained from str and int. I'm going to list several stat builds and you will pick one that fits your guild and playstyle, or pick one and modify it to suit your needs. To see how much damage you will do in WoE, add 40 to the demi-human resistance box(thara frog card + poo poo hat) and 20 to one of the neutral element resist boxes(raydric card), make sure the woe reduction box is checked as well. Aloevera is not working with this calc but it should add an additional 5% to your damage. DISCLAIMER: The damage from this calc may not be completely accurate for ggRO. I won't be able to test it fully until my monk is 99.

Old Faithful: Powerful and resilient, even self buffed if your asura connects your target is probably dead. Will still need support to take down the very toughest of knights. The glaring weakness of this build is the 1.26s cast time on asura, most players will walk out of your ruwach/sight range and hide or simply attack you, getting bragi or asking for suffragium will help. This build reduces stun to .5 seconds or .2 seconds with gloria. You may wish to reduce your vit or int to add 3 str and use horong.
Suicidal Speed Demon: Almost as powerful as old faithful and extremely fast, can be very effective when hovering at the edge of your guild's loki's veil or for surprise attacks with frilldora card. However, if a dancer starts screaming or you are targeted with bash or other stun abilities, you become completely useless. Also dies to shield reflect 99% of the time. Very situational.
Feather's Touch(Stun immune alternate? Resilient and fairly fast, this build still one shots some characters self buffed but it doesn't really work unless you have backup from a priest for lex aeterna and impositio manus and/or a dancer for service for you. The first build reduces stun to .5 seconds or .2 seconds with gloria.
Balanced: Jack of all trades but definitely master of none. Knights and Crusaders will give you trouble with this build but you should be able to drop anyone else unassisted. This build reduces stun to .85 seconds or .55 seconds with gloria. I recommend this build for new monks, you can decide if there's something you don't like about it after a couple of woes and switch to a different build.


  • Weapon: Nothing will beat a double bloody boned chain for damage. You can refine it but going past the safe limit will only increase max damage. You may wish to unequip your weapon or switch to a fist type weapon for a faster aspd when summoning spirit spheres or snapping. Some useful fists are quad drops waghnak for faster casting or garm's claw for breaking emps, it's nothing compared to an actual breaking class's time though. You may also want a mace with status cards and a long mace for ranged damage reduction.
  • Shield: Use a thara, but you can keep a horn for precasts since it stacks so well with long mace and alligator cards.
  • Upper helm: Keep a poo poo hat and maybe a nightmare carded headgear and a drooping cat, but you are going to want to default to a headgear that gives sp to help your asura damage. Something with willow card is the poor man's choice, crown of mistress is the go to. If you are loaded or crazy you will want to try to bring a cheap slotted headgear to +9 and use a Carat Card. On average, one out of every 300 attempts will bring a headgear to +9. This puts the value of a +9 slotted headgear at a ballpark of 50m based on current market prices(jan 5th) for elunium and slotted birettas and hats.
  • Mid helm: Use a masquerade for the extra damage.
  • Lower helm: Use a gangster mask or flu mask if you don't have 100 resistance to silence.
  • Body: Use marc or ED by default and swap between them as needed. Keep a roda frog card for when you need your asura to do a little more damage.
  • Robe: Default to raydric card, keep a ragamuffin manteau or jakk card for precasts. Frilldora is especially useful on monks for delivering surprise asura strikes or advancing on a sage or another monk without having your spheres or fury removed. If you cloak on someone's screen they will be able to see your spheres and fury. If they move off of your screen or they weren't on your screen when you cloaked, they will not be able to see you at all. If you have more than 80 base str in your build you can use a giant whisper here, that card is rare though.
  • Shoes: Default to sohee card for the extra sp. You can keep a verit or martyr if you want to be more tanky but it's generally not worth it. Use crystal pumps for precasts.
  • Accessories: What you use in your accessories depends on if your base str or dex is higher. If your str is higher you should use rings with mantis cards and if your dex is higher you should use gloves with zerom cards. I highly recommend you default to horong for one of your accessories. You can keep alligator rosaries for stacking up ranged reduction in precasts.

Wizard id020

Wizards focus on dealing AoE damage with storm gust and meteor storm. They can also use some supportive skills.

This is a general build. You can remove storm gust and its prerequisite skills if someone else in your guild has that covered. Extra points spent on Fire Pillar, Water Ball, Lord of Vermillion, Safety Wall, Frost Diver, Stone Curse and Increase SP Recovery.


  • Storm Gust: 9 cell range, 15 second base cast time. Creates a large zone that does 500% matk water damage every .5 seconds, lasting for 10 hits or 4.5 seconds. After a target has been hit by this skill 2 times they will have a higher than 100% chance to freeze on subsequent hits. Only one storm gust will deal damage to a unit at a time so having more than one wizard casting this skill at a time or casting it faster than once every 4.5 seconds is a waste unless you are covering multiple fronts(usually not a thing) so have only one wizard from your guild be the SG wizard, perferrably a wizard with high matk. If you are stunned your active storm gusts will deal no damage. The high damage on this spell makes it a must have for any precast or gvg. Cast it along with your guild's meteors if you are the SG wizard. You can also use it in a smaller fight if your guild isn't around without worrying. The skill is level selectable so you can drop a level 1 SG(6 second cast time) if you just want to create a zone that interrupts casts and causes freeze. It will deal 140% matk damage instead of 500%.
  • Meteor Storm: 9 cell range, 12 second base cast time. Causes 7 meteors to fall at random spots in a wide area, lasting 5 seconds. Each meteor causes 500% matk fire damage and has a 30% chance to stun targets in a 7x7 aoe. Targets standing closer to the cell you cast on have a higher chance to be hit by meteors. Meteors that fall while you are stunned will deal no damage. Unlike Storm Gust this skill can stack infinitely. Every wizard in your guild should spam it at the same spot. In a gvg you can aim it at a LP and it will deal damage after your olp sages remove it.
  • Quagmire: 9 cell range, instant cast. Creates a 7x7 zone that decreases the dex, agi and movement speed of all units that stand in it and removes aspd or movement related buffs. The effect ends for players when they leave the area. This skill WILL affect allies and yourself during woe. If cast on top of a LP it will not be applied, you have to cast it when your olp sages do their work. If you are playing with effects off you will need RCX to tell when LP is removed. Only three instances of this skill can be cast by a single wizard, when you have three active the skill will fail. Cast this skill whenever an enemy guild doesn't have a LP under them, it will increase the time it takes them to cast their skills and perhaps prevent them from casting another LP. Be wary of casting this skill into an area your guild will want to move through.
  • Fire Pillar: Create a fire trap that will explode for small damage and prevent the player triggering it from moving for (skill level * 0.2 + 0.4) seconds. You can't cast this skill on a LP, under a player or other unit, or under another fire pillar. You can only have 5 fire pillars active. Past level 5 this skill will start requiring 1 blue gemstone to cast. Use this skill to create traps at range that will briefly immobilize someone approaching your guild, allowing you to hopefully pick them off. Don't bother with this skill during a gvg, you should be casting meteor storm instead. You can rank this skill if you want the immobilize effect to last longer and you don't mind spending gems on it. It is level selectable.
  • Jupitel Thunder: Single target spell that deals wind damage. If your guild is focusing on a singe target you can spam this skill.
  • Earth Spike: Deal earth element damage to a target. Will hit a player that tries to avoid it with hiding. You can spam this skill to keep them visible.
  • Heaven's Drive: Deal earth element damage in an aoe. Will hit hiding targets. Use it to bring players out of stealth.
  • Water Ball: Single target spell that deals heavy water damage over time. You must be standing in water or a deluge to cast this skill. It's a flashy way to hitlock/interrupt an opponent and waste their potions in smaller fights but it is hard to use in a proper gvg. Only take this skill if you can max it.
  • Lord of Vermillion: A large aoe skill much like storm gust and meteor storm. Deals wind damage and has a chance to blind. The damage from this skill is low and it follows similar stacking rules as storm gust so it is generally better to just cast more meteor storms. Only take this skill if you can max it.
  • Sight: Actively reveal all stealthed units within 3 cells for 10 seconds. Try not to interfere with your stealthed allies.
  • Safety Wall: Creates a zone on a single cell that blocks all melee attacks directed at anyone standing on the cell. Ends after absorbing a certain number of attacks. Very useful for defending an emperium or blocking an asura strike. Try not to block your own monks and knights with it. Pneuma and Safety wall cannot exist in the same space. They block the other from being cast into their area. You can use Safety Wall to block enemy pneuma casts.
  • Increase SP Recovery: Increases the sp recovered by items by 10% per skill level. Doesn't work on percentage based recovery items(ygg seeds won't recover more than 50%). Put points here to increase your staying power.
  • Energy Coat: Reduces physical damage taken by up to 30% if your sp is close to full. Less sp reduces less damage. Taking damage with this ability active will drain sp. Useful for reducing the damage of asura strike and other physical moves.
  • Frost Diver: Deals a little frost damage and has a chance to freeze the target. Most players will have marc or evil druid cards so only take this skill if you find yourself fighting against ungeared opponents during woes or if you will be working closely with someone that can remove or break armors.
  • Stone Curse: Close range, consumes a Red Gemstone. Has a high chance to cause stone curse to your target. Can still affect a player that tries to hide it. Very effective against any player that isn't using an evil druid card, and if they are using an evil druid you may be able to take advantage of that card's drawbacks. Casting it on a stone cursed enemy will free them from stone curse so confirm that your target is not stone cursed before casting this skill a second time. Melee range can be scary for a wizard but take this skill if you find yourself getting close to opponents often.

Stats and Equips
This is a stat build for precasting. Deciding the stats for a gvg wizard that will be operating in an environment that has dazzler being spammed is difficult, you will need to decrease your int and dex and increase your vit. How much vit you need depends on how often dazzler is spammed in gvgs you participate in and if you have a priest available to spam recovery on you. You might want 49 vit, 77 vit or some other amount of vit. Unfortunately I have no hard information on this topic so for now it will be up to you to experiment.


  • Weapon: You have three basic choices for your weapon when it comes to maxing out your int and dex, a staff[3] with drops cards, an arc wand[2] with drops cards or a soul staff. Keep your int bonus in mind while deciding which one to use. You can use a wizardry staff for precasting but remember to reequip your shield if a knight or something clears your precast and charges at you. % damage cards like hydra card have no effect on magic damage.
  • Shield: Use a thara here.
  • Upper Helm: Use an apple of archer while precasting for the dex. Use a poo poo hat for situations where you might take damage. You shouldn't be charging into a precast, you might not need a drooping cat.
  • Mid Helm: Alarm mask is best, opera masque is almost as good.
  • Body: Use an evil druid card for the int when you can, swap to a marc as needed. You will need to decide whether to build for evil druid's int bonus or not.
  • Robe: Default to raydric card, you shouldn't be charging into precasts so you might not need a mdef option.
  • Shoes: Default to martyr card, you shouldn't be charging into precasts so you might not need a mdef option.
  • Accessories: gloves with zerom cards will help your cast times. You could use earrings with zeroms instead if you want int more. Smokie is also great on wizards.

Sage id021

Sages are powerful disablers that are incredibly tanky despite originating from mages. If you want to play a sage correctly in WoE you will not even consider dealing damage yourself.

Extra points spent on Safety Wall, Increase SP Recovery, Frost Diver, Endows, Volcano, Magnetic Earth, Spell Breaker, Cast Cancel and Free Cast.


  • Dispel: Removes most buffs and debuffs from a targeted ally or enemy, including aspd potions, frozen, two hand quicken, devotion, guard, shield reflect, blacksmith buffs, priest buffs, lex aeterna, attention concentrate, fury, songs, dances and many other effects. Chemical Protection effects and Spirit Spheres are not removed by dispel. If your target is standing in a song or dance then it will be instantly reapplied once it is removed. You cannot target yourself with dispel. Consumes a yellow gemstone. This skill is what makes sages ridiculous, you'll spend most of your time using it. Prioritize devotion targets and monks with fury. Anyone with Bard songs or Blacksmith buffs are good targets too, you can also use it on a crusader right before your monk uses asura to guarantee they won't have shield skills. It'll ruin just about anyone's day. You can use it to get your allies out of status effects in a pinch but it's better to just have a priest use recovery on them.
  • Land Protector: Also known as Magnetic Earth. Has 2 range, a 5 second cast time and consumes a blue and yellow gemstone. Creates a zone that blocks or removes most skills that target the ground. Adding points to this skill will increase its area and it is not level selectable so keep that in mind when you are deciding how many points you want to add to it. Safety Wall, Sanctuary, Demonstration, Quagmire, Fire Pillar, Fire Wall, Deluge, Volcano and Whirlwind will be removed and are unable to be cast in LP's area. Storm Gust, Lord of Vermillion, Meteor Storm and Pneuma may be applied on top of LP but they won't have an effect until LP is removed. Grand Cross will have no effect if used on LP, but Arrow Shower will. Hunter traps are unaffected by LP. Songs and dances may be used on top of LP. A sage can cast Deluge, Volcano or Whirlwind on top of their own LP. If they do their LP will be removed. If a sage casts LP while already having a LP active, their old LP will be removed and the new one will be applied. If a sage casts LP on top of another sage's LP, the tiles that intersect will be canceled out. When breaking precasts running through and dropping LP to allow their guild safe passage is one of a sage's main jobs. When it comes to gvg's sages are divided into two roles based on their LP usage: dlp, or defensive land protector, and olp, or offensive land protector. Dlp sages stand in the middle of their guild and cast LP to protect their allies from wizard aoe. There should only be one dlp sage in a guild since two sages casting LP in the same area will remove each other's LP. If the dlp is killed or crowd controlled or runs out of sp/gems, an olp sage should take over as the new dlp. Olp sages stand in front of their guild and attempt to disrupt the opposing guild's dlp by casting land protector on top of them. If the enemy dlp is spamming LP, as an olp you should spam LP. If they stop LPing to allow you to provide LP for their guild or they get lazy, crowd controlled, killed etc, you should cast deluge, volcano or whirlwind on top of your LP to remove it. As a dlp follow the same strategy: if the olp sages in the opposing guild are spamming LP on you, let them protect your guild. If they remove their own LP start casting LP again. Going for an olp can be very risky since it has 2 range and a long cast time, use it situationally. An olp sage is also responsible for disrupting opponents with dispel and other skills.
  • Spell Breaker: Interrupts an enemy's cast. Will work on targets protected by devotion and on skills that cannot normally be interrupted. This skill is the easiest way to cancel a recall from a guild leader that has devotion cast on them. Casting spell breaker on an enemy sage that is using magic rod will drain a lot of your sp, avoid that. Rank this skill if you want more sp back for interrupting skills.
  • Cast Cancel: Stop casting a skill. Useful if conditions change while you are already casting land protector, deluge and other similar skills or most importantly emergency recall. Rank this skill if you want to get more sp back.
  • Magic Rod: Enter a state like a knight's counter during which any single target magic attack will be absorbed and converted into sp for you. You don't generally want to stand around casting this during a gvg but if it's a smaller fight and a lot of single target magic is coming at you, perhaps a water ball, you can use this skill to absorb all of it and save your white potions. If a sage is spamming spell breaker on you you can also use this skill to quickly damage their sp and keep them guessing. Rank this skill if you want a bigger window or more sp back.
  • Free Cast: Allows you to move and attack while casting skills. Your dex should be high enough that you don't get much mileage out of this one but you can put a point here if you want to walk for a second while casting LP. As far as I know this skill does not work with emergency recall.
  • Endow Blaze, Tornado, Tsunami, Quake: Endows an element to a party member's weapon. If the skill level is lower than 5 the weapon might break. You can rank one of these skills to help your physical attackers bypass raydric card or deal extra damage to ED users. In most situations Aspersio will be better.
  • Volcano: Consumes a yellow gemstone. Create a zone that increases the damage of fire attacks for players standing in the area. If your guild is precasting you can throw this down and your wizards' meteor storms will deal more damage. If an enemy wizard gets through the precast be sure to throw down LP instead. Rank this skill if you want it to add more fire damage.
  • Deluge: Consumes a yellow gemstone. Create a zone that increases the damage of water attacks for players standing the area and allows the casting of water ball. Water ball will consume the tiles of deluge so if you are casting this for a wizard friend you will need to refresh it for them.
  • Whirlwind: Consumes a yellow gemstone. Create a zone that increases the damage of wind attacks for players standing in the area. If you have a wizard friend that is spamming some jupitel thunder you may wish to cast this for them.
  • Earth Spike: Deal earth element damage to a target. Will hit a player that tries to avoid it with hiding. You can spam this skill to keep them visible. May miss if your matk is low.
  • Heaven's Drive: Deal earth element damage in an aoe. Will hit hiding targets. Use it to bring players out of stealth. May miss if your matk is low.
  • Stone Curse: Close range, consumes a Red Gemstone. Has a high chance to cause stone curse to your target. Can still affect a player that tries to hide it. Very effective against any player that isn't using an evil druid card, and if they are using an evil druid you may be able to take advantage of that card's drawbacks. Casting it on a stone cursed enemy will free them from stone curse so confirm that your target is not stone cursed before casting this skill a second time.
  • Sight: Actively reveal all stealthed units within 3 cells for 10 seconds. Try not to interfere with your stealthed allies.
  • Safety Wall: Creates a zone on a single cell that blocks all melee attacks directed at anyone standing on the cell. Ends after absorbing a certain number of attacks. Very useful for defending an emperium or blocking an asura strike. Try not to block your own monks and knights with it. Pneuma and Safety wall cannot exist in the same space. They block the other from being cast into their area. You can use Safety Wall to block enemy pneuma casts.
  • Increase SP Recovery: Increases the sp recovered by items by 10% per skill level. Doesn't work on percentage based recovery items(ygg seeds won't recover more than 50%). Put points here to increase your staying power.
  • Energy Coat: Reduces physical damage taken by up to 30% if your sp is close to full. Less sp reduces less damage. Taking damage with this ability active will drain sp. Useful for reducing the damage of asura strike and other physical moves.
  • Frost Diver: Deals a little frost damage and has a chance to freeze the target. Most players will have marc or evil druid cards so only take this skill if you find yourself fighting against ungeared opponents during woes or if you will be working closely with someone that can remove or break armors. May miss if your matk is low.

Stats and Equips
The same stat build will work for a dlp or olp. Take int if you really want to be able to hit with your heaven's drive and earth spike but losing the 20 str will be a huge hit to your weight for gems.


  • Weapon: Quad drops knife allows you to cast faster, a quad fabre knife may help for precasts and asura strikes. Take a rod instead if you want to increase your matk for hitting with heaven's drive and other skills.
  • Shield: Just keep the thara on.
  • Upper Helm: Default to poo poo hat for olp. If you are dlp default to a nightmare card. You will need both whether you are dlp or olp. You can also take a drooping cat for precasts and an apple of archer for situations where you need more dex.
  • Mid Helm: Alarm Mask is best, Opera Masque isn't bad.
  • Body: If you are dlp default to evil druid card. If you are olp you can swap between marc and evil druid. You may survive some asura strikes with a peco peco card.
  • Robe: Default to Raydric Card, swap to ragamuffin manteau or jakk card for precasts.
  • Shoes: Default to Martyr Card, swap to crystal pumps for precasts.
  • Accessories: Gloves with zeroms will help with your long cast times. You can switch to alligator rosaries for precasts or if you find yourself taking a lot of damage on the front lines. Learning to use/swap a smokie card in classic woe will help you frontline in transcendant woe.

Blacksmith id022

Blacksmiths are a melee class that bring a powerful aoe stun, aoe status application or armor breaking, the ability to repair weapons and armor for allies while on the field, party buffs for your melee classes and medium single target dps.

Extra points don't matter for woe.


  • Hammer Fall: Has a very high chance to stun in a targeted aoe. Should be effective on monks and wizards. Will have a tiny, tiny(~1%) chance to stun most of the builds I listed in this guide for ~0.1 seconds :D One of your options for when you are diving into a guild that is stacking.
  • Weapon Repair: Repairs broken weapons and armors for yourself or allies. Has a long cast time, try to use it with bragi. Consumes certain ores based on type: iron ore for level 1 weapons, iron for level 2 weapons, steel for level 3 weapons and any armor, rough oridecon for level 4 weapons. Be sure to carry these ores with you, especially the steel.
  • Mammonite: Consume zeny to attack an enemy for 600% damage. This is your best way of dealing damage. Especially effective after stunning an opponent and while fully self buffed. A well geared player with high vit will probably not die from this skill alone.
  • Pushcart, Enlarge Weight Limit: These skills give you ridiculous weight, use them for the benefit of your less fortunate allies and carry supplies for them during sieges.
  • Cart Revolution: Requires a cart, deals aoe damage that increases slightly the more weight you have in your cart. You shouldn't bother keeping a full cart for using this skill, you mainly want to use it for applying status effects and mailbreaker/swordbreaker's effects. Another good option for when you are diving into a guild's stack. Removing armors with mailbreaker this way is especially strong as it opens up their guild to the frozen status effect.
  • Skin Tempering: Increases fire resistance by 20% and neutral resistance by 5%. Stacks with jakk card, raydric card, leib olmai card and welding mask.
  • Crazy Uproar: Adds 4 str and lasts a long time, keep it up when you'll be dealing damage.
  • Hilt Binding: Gives a small bonus to str and atk. Does not actually help prevent your weapon from dropping or being unequipped.
  • Weaponry research: Increases your atk and hit.
  • Adrenaline Rush: Increases aspd when using axe or mace type weapons for you by 30% and for your party by 20%. Your monks, priests and battle alchemists may benefit from this, be aware that it will cause an aspd delay for your whole party though. Removed by dispel.
  • Weapon Perfection: Changes the size modifier for all weapons and sizes to 100% for everyone in your party. The only ones this will benefit will be yourself and battle alchemists. Also causes an aspd delay for your whole party, be careful with it. Removed by dispel.
  • Over Thrust: Also known as Power Thrust. Increases atk by 25% for all party members. Adds a chance to break weapons on every attack, nullified by chemical protection, I believe maces and axes don't break this way either. Very nice for your physical attackers but will not help asura strike damage. Also causes an aspd delay for your whole party, be careful with it. Removed by dispel.
  • Maximize Power: Self buff that changes your min damage to your max damage. Removed by dispel.

Stats and Equips
You don't need high dex thanks to maximize power. Dropping some str for agi will allow you to spam status effects or break armors faster. Blacksmiths are the only class that can stack fire resist to a maximum of 70%, stacking to at least 60% fire resist and 40% demihuman resist shouldn't be hard and will make precasts easier for you.


  • Weapon: Many of your blacksmith abilities are tied to axes and maces. An axe[4] with two hydra and two skeleton worker cards is the best one handed weapon when it comes to dealing damage to players. An axe[4] with two orc skeleton and two desert wolf cards is best for breaking emps. You can use more axes for status cards, or a mailbreaker or swordbreaker for disabling your opponents. A battle axe with similar cards will have more dps but it is two handed so you won't be able to use your shield with it and the dps increase is something like 10%, not really worth it.
  • Shield: Just keep the thara on.
  • Upper helm: Default to poo poo hat for the damage reduction. Carry a nightmare card so you don't get controlled easily. You can bring a drooping cat or something carded with leib olmai card for precasts, leib olmai isn't really a big upgrade though, and it is situational and rare, more of an oddity than anything.
  • Mid helm: Use a welding mask for the 10% fire resist. It's probably the best mid headgear in the game and it's not hard to make.
  • Body: Switch between marc and evil druid as needed. You don't need to worry about fire damage when you are wearing your evil druid card, unless it's a precast.
  • Robe: Default to raydric card, use jakk for precasts. Both of these cards will stack well with your Skin Tempering.
  • Shoes: Default to martyr card, you can use crystal pumps for precasts.
  • Accessories: Slotted rings will help max out your damage. You will probably need to swap a smokie often since you are a melee class without the hp pool of a knight. A horong will also be useful against opponents that hide from you. Alligator rosaries will help for precasts.

Alchemist id023

Alchemists protect their allies' gear from being broken or removed and they also have a viable healing ability. When paired with blacksmiths they can deal decent damage with mammonite. Alchemists are also used for their potion creating abilities. A guild should attempt to rank a brewing alchemist so they have access to better potions for woe. I won't be covering the build for such an alchemist.

Extra merchant points don't matter, but if you are making a battle alchemist max out mammonite. Optional alchemist points are spent on Summon Marine Sphere, Bomb, Acid Terror and Summon Flora.


  • Chemical Protection Helm, Shield, Armor, Weapon: Also known as Biochemical Helm, Synthesized Shield, Synthetic Armor and Alchemical Weapon. Consumes a glistening coat, protects a piece of gear from breaking or being divested. Lasts 10 minutes and is not dispelable so you won't need to reapply it too often. Having your gear broken or divested can cripple you completely so using this skill on all of your guild members is mandatory. You might want to focus on weapon and armor since those are the easiest to break, if you fight rogues often then you will need all four. Your guild should probably help you hunt supplies for the glistening coats.
  • Potion Pitcher: Also known as Aid Potion. Instant cast, aspd delay. Throws a potion at an ally, healing them based on this skill's overall rank, the potion's effectiveness, their vit(int for blue potions) and their increase hp/sp recovery levels. Level 4 will throw a white potion and level 5 will throw a blue potion. Condensed potions can't be thrown by this skill. Potions thrown this way do not have increased healing if they are ranked. Throw white potions at an ally that is being focused or gets caught out of position, a devo crusader that is taking a lot of damage through devotion, an ally walking through a precast or a knight trying to survive a double asura. Throw blue potions at an ally that is having sp issues.
  • Learning Potion: Also known as Potion Research. Increases the amount healed from all healing items that are not percentage based by 50%.
  • Sphere Mine: Also known as Summon Marine Sphere. Summon a Marine Sphere that will cast self destruct and explode when it is attacked. Unwieldy and gimmicky but has the potential to deal decent aoe damage. Don't take this skill unless you know what you're getting yourself into.
  • Demonstration: Also known as bomb. Consumes a bottle grenade, creates a flame on the ground that deals some damage and has a chance to break weapons every second for anyone that stands on it. You can't stack them and you can't place them under players but I believe you can place them on ankle snares. Rank this if you want to break some weapons. Bear in mind that chemically protected players will be immune to the breaking effect.
  • Acid Terror: Consumes an acid bottle. Throw acid at a target, possibly breaking their armor. Deals a small amount of damage. If this skill's chance to destroy armors procs the target will use the /omg emote but if they are chemically protected nothing will happen. Rank this if you want to break some armors, you can follow up with a frozen status weapon.
  • Bio Cannibalize: Also known as Summon Flora. Consumes a plant bottle. Summons an immobile plant monster that will fight for you. The level you use determines the type of plant summoned. Plants are generally used to hitlock opponents, interrupt casts or interfere with targeting. Level 4 seems to work well, it summons parasites with good range and accuracy.
  • Axe Mastery: This skill won't add much to your mammonite damage. Don't rank it unless you really need to break emps faster.
  • Bioethics, Vaporize, Call Homunculus, Homun Resurrection: These skills won't be available until lighthalzen is released.
  • Enlarge Weight Limit, Push Cart: These skills give you ridiculous weight, use them for the benefit of your less fortunate allies and carry supplies for them during sieges.
  • Mammonite: Consume zeny to attack an enemy for 600% damage. This is your best way of dealing damage. Especially effective while buffed by a blacksmith. A well geared player with high vit will probably not die from this skill alone.
  • Cart Revolution: Requires a cart, deals aoe damage that increases slightly the more weight you have in your cart. You shouldn't bother keeping a full cart for using this skill, you mainly want to use it for applying status effects and mailbreaker/swordbreaker's effects. Use it on a big group of enemy players. Removing armors with mailbreaker this way is especially strong as it opens up their guild to the frozen status effect.

Stats and Equips
Both of these builds are primarily responsible for applying chemical protection to all of their allies.
Potion Pitcher: Focus on keeping your allies alive and healthy with potion pitcher. Play with your party window open and throw potions by clicking the skill on their names. Better for gvgs and bigger guilds.
Battle Alchemist: Join a party with a blacksmith and use their buffs to deal damage with mammonite or apply status with cart revolution. You should still use potion pitcher when you need to. Better for smaller fights and small guilds that lack damage.


  • Weapon: If you are focusing on potion pitcher, stay barehanded so you have more aspd. For a battle build, an axe[4] with two hydra and two skeleton worker cards is the best one handed weapon when it comes to dealing damage to players. An axe[4] with two orc skeleton and two desert wolf cards is best for breaking emps. You can use more axes for status cards, or a mailbreaker or swordbreaker for disabling your opponents. Don't consider using a 2H weapon, it only affords a 5% bonus to dps.
  • Shield: Just keep the thara on.
  • Upper helm: Default to poo poo hat for the damage reduction. Carry a nightmare card so you don't get controlled easily. You can bring a drooping cat for precasts.
  • Mid helm: Use a welding mask for the 10% fire resist. It's probably the best mid headgear in the game and it's not hard to make.
  • Body: Switch between marc and evil druid as needed.
  • Robe: Default to raydric card, use jakk for precasts.
  • Shoes: Default to martyr card, you can use crystal pumps for precasts.
  • Accessories: Default alligator rosaries as a potion pitcher centric build. Slotted rings will help max out your damage if you are a battle build. You will probably need to swap a smokie often since you are a melee class without the hp pool of a knight. A horong will also be useful against opponents that hide from you. Take alligator rosaries for precasts as battle build.


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